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The kids arrived at District 9 Café an hour late because they lost their way with everyone bickering on who drives, but nevertheless they were here and waited patiently for the said person they were supposed to meet there. But one question haunted them all, how would they know it's Mrs Lee? They hadn't seen her before. Just then the door of the café tinged as a woman with red high heels and a subtle pink dress walked in, Hyunjin literally gasped so loud because it was the splitting image of Minho but a female version. It were as if Minho had literally cross dressed to meet them. It would have been so believable if not for the woman's body. Chan lifted his arm up as she spotted him and made her way towards him.

"Shocked? Well yeah I look like I'm my son's twin, but I'm a woman and it's too obvious to not notice." Mrs Lee smiled softly tucking her soft brown hair behind her ears. She looked very young though she has a son as big as Minho.

"You guys look so alike it's scary." Mumbled Changbin looking down to his fingers.

"Thank you, So before I start on what you need to know about my son I would like you to order whatever you need without being shy." Saying so she urged them to order anything.

Once everyone had a plate before them Mrs Lee smiled but Chan saw her through, she was on the verge of breaking but held it in so difficultly. Her fingers shook and she refused to eat anything saying she just had dinner. But it was obviously a massive lie, Minho was a bad liar too.

"Mrs Lee are Lix and Minho okay?" Hyunjin mumbled. Jisung remained silent, for he was nervous and his anxiety wasn't helping him ask anything.

"I don't know." She started, "I guess I need to explain their reasons since non of them can and neither would they ever. So Jisung let me answer your question first. Yes, Seungmin is Minho's boyfriend." The pause made the poor boy agitate so Chan engulfed him in a hug. "Only the fact that he was, used to be my baby's boyfriend. At first, six years ago I didn't like him associating with boys but this sweet savage young boy called Seungmin moved in next door to ours, he was in denial but he fell for Minho at first sight and I saw it. Sadly, my son is a person who rarely shows emotions and he pushed the poor boy away too much. That's where Felix came in, a boy who was kicked out of his home for being gay and Mr and Mrs Kim took him in. They were best friends and Lix and Minho were best friends aswell. As the trip started hanging out I slowly began noticing my son melting at everything Seungmin did or said, he represented a puppy with braces, so cute. Now Minho wasn't a good boy, he was a boozer even though he was just 17, a nasty cat who never listened to me at all. He often ended up in police stations and what not. Seungmin's parents didn't like that but they just didn't want to hurt the boy so they let him fall in love with Minho. I liked Seungmin so I just let the two boys be, he was a sweetheart, polite and seemed crazy about my baby. Felix is a cuddle bug, an emotional chick and he played Cupid most of the time which eventually resulted in Minho falling head over heels for Seungmin, though he never actually told him that he loved him." Mrs Lee drew in a sharp breath, her lips quivering, "It was after Prom when everything went downhill, Minho was angry and jealous at Seungmin for dancing with some other boy, I don't exactly know because well I wasn't their in person. Felix never told me why, he doesn't remember much and that night all he remembered was them fighting while Minho was recklessly driving and he was drunk beyond senses. You need to ask that from Lixie. All I know is that...........I got a call saying my son's car crashed." She wiped the tear that rolled down her cheek. "I rushed to the hospital and only Minho and Lix were there, Seungmin was missing. We looked for him everywhere and found him dead a mile before the scene of the accident." She broke down crying and it was Hyunjin who hugged her tightly he didn't care he just crushed the woman in a hug to which she accepted.

"Only Felix knows why Seungmin wasn't in the car crash, he was dead before them. Minho was in a coma and Felix broke his back which is why he has scars and it's dangerous for him right now. I took him home with me...........Minho didn't know Seungmin was dead when he woke up, a month later. After all the funeral rituals were over, he looked for him everywhere and when Wonpil blamed him for his brother's death he went into a severe nervous breakdown. He almost went crazy thinking he killed Seungmin, because he pushed him out of the car before they crashed. He started drinking more and just started cutting himself, his whole body is scared. Which I had no choice to send him to a rehabilitation center. He recovered or so I thought, Felix was depressed my poor boy took it the hard way but Minho just faltered. The past few events only got worser as Jisung came into his life because he fell in love again." Mrs Lee was holding Hyunjin's arms for support like mother wanting her son to be there for her.

"Now to answer this tall mans question. No, Minho threw himself off the balcony the night Jisung abruptly ran away from his arms calling him a liar, it triggered his trauma for back then no one believed him when he said he wasn't drunk that night, not even Felix. He sent me after Jisung, I can back to Minho on the front porch in a pool of his own blood. Felix was loosing his mind asking me if Minho was okay and he happened to see me rush a dying boy to the emergency so I had to take Lix with me. He was afraid to loose you Hyunjin, for he lost his best friend before his own eyes, death flashed before his eyes and you were his first love, he was afraid to let you get closer for he blames himself for everything. He called himself the bad omen in our lives so he tried push you away even though it pained so much, he avoided all of us but he genuinely loves you back but is afraid he'd loose you the way he lost Seungmin and Minho." She finished. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly.

"M-Minho.......Is......No." Jisung started hyperventilating, he started loosing his mind as he tried to stand up. "N-No......Don't t-tell me h-he's gone!!!"

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