Part One.

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one night, a boy didn't flush the toilet for seven days straight because of a summer camp dare. he would poop and pee and never flush, it was truly the most disgusting thing anyone has ever encountered and would get you immediately sent into the nurses office. the camp counselor got sick of it and took action against the boys who were behind the action. the boy who was not flushing the toilet was suspended for 3 days. the rest of the boys participating in the dare were exempt from the following weeks field trip to an amusement park, and instead had to stay at the camp doing volunteer work with the custodian. the boys grew angry over this, as they did not deserve the punishment due to being a simple joke that wasn't harmful at all. they decided to do the same thing, only purchase a bull and make it pee all over the camp. they were laughing it off at the idea and eventually, they decided to go with it. so the boys bought a bull, filled it with laxatives and watched its excrements fill the entire camp. the boys had extreme laughter while the bull, well, he was just a bull.

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