Magic Tales: Sea and Snow

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Hello I am glad that you choose to read my story! This is a REWRITE! Please comment and point out any mistakes you. But nicely please. I need all the help I can get. I hope you like it!😁

                     (3 months ago.)
         (Some Not So Charming News)

“Your Majesties! Your Majesties!” A tall, well-built blonde-haired man in a military uniform burst into the King and Queen’s private sleeping quarters.

“What is the meaning of this?!” King Charming shouted groggily.

“I am terribly sorry for waking you at this early hour, but this matter can not wait!” The man said. He was about to continue but before he could a sleepy but alarmed voice interrupted.

“Charles, why is the General here?!” Queen Cinderella asked. (Just don't call her Cinderella to her face. She prefers to be called Queen Ella or just Ella.)

“I don't know yet, darling.” The King replied, tenderly holding her hand. “But I’m sure he will enlighten us. Please continue, General Matthew.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. I regret to inform you that the other army is at...” He paused and then continued in a lowered voice. “Is just outside our capital and has demanded our surrender, or they say they will attack. They say this is our last warning.” 

The room was covered in tense silence for a moment. But only for a moment before exploding into a flurry of noise and activity.

The King jumped out of bed. And shouted “Have the men been put in position?!"

“Yes Sier, but they outnumber us at least five to one.”

"What about our allies, and the soldiers we sent to help them? Has there been any news from them?" Asked King Chamming.

"There has been no word from the men. And all our allies are either defeated or still desperately fighting their own battles."

"What are we going to do Charles? We can't let them win!" Queen Ella asked in a worried voice. "We never thought it would come to this!"

"What do you want me to do Sier?" Added General Matthew, standing at attention.

"We can not surrender! For the Charming Kingdom will never surrender!! Gather the remaining men General Matthew!" 

"And what should I tell them, King." He asked gravely.

"Tell them to prepare to fight, for the war has come to us."

So that was pretty short. I hope that over time this story will get better. If you liked it please comment and vote.

Quick note, when words are in bold I'm talking to you. And when they are italicized I'm emphasizing something, or writing the character's thoughts. Italic is also used for titles. And normal text is just the story.

Word count: 455
Goodbye Wolves

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