Chapter 2: first contact pt.2

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Location: USKA, Washington DC.

3rd person pov

Sitting in the chair in the meeting, President Y/N L/N was giving news about the strange lights appear across the US, But his not the only US. Many reports from strange lights appear in Russia Empire, Empire of japan, Austria-hungary, United States of Botswana, Chinese Empire, Brit-franco Empire And German Empire. Some more reports from the glode that borders countries disappear.

Y/N: Is that all report?

USK General 1: Yes mr President, We all due respect, we manage to contact all our allies in Pacific and Atlantic.

USK General 2: They is more. Our satellite network pick up an unknown signal in the west.

Y/N: Unknown signal?

USK General 2: Yes mr. President.

Y/N: Whatever it is. Try to hack it. Fine some unknown system. We need to know about this world.

USK Generals nodded the decision.

Y/N: Oh, Found some "Secret" in their system. We need to know about what we facing in the future.

USK General 3: Yes President.


Location: Vale, Beacon Academy

3rd person pov

With the news about the earthquakes, Ozpin was been by General James ironwood.

Ozpin: Hello James, Did you know about the earthquake?

Ironwood: *Screen* Yes, They were many reports about the strange lights appear in the continent.

Ozpin: I see, I called the team RWBY and JPNR here.


Location: Menagerie.

3rd person pov

German and Russian Troops crossed the menagerie soil. They were T-44 and Leopard tanks to find out about this land.

German soldier 1: This is new?

Russian Soldier 1: Whatever it is. This is not Russia Empire.

Russian Soldier 2: Da!

German Soldier 2: Quickly, We must scout this place.

Few minutes later.....

After the minute, Jessie Hitler was patrolling until she spotted a town. She called hans and the other german troopers. Has they got there, They were met with faunue habitat, Many fee inside there homes and lock it.

Hans: This is..... unwelcome?

Jessia: Maybe we could ask one of them.

They start searching for anyone, Jessie Hitler knock on the door. She was to know about this place, The door open revealing to be female with dog ears, She looks afraid but Jessie decided to talk.

Jessie: Hallo, Sorry for knocking the door. Can I ask you a question.

The faunus dog was afraid, If she doesn't tell her, She will hurt her children, so she tell her.

Faunus Dog: Y-Yes.

Jessie: What is this place?

Faunus Dog: W-What?

Jessie: This place, Is this.... Russia?

Faunus Dog was confused and scared.

Faunus Dog: N-No, This is not Russia, This is Menagerie.

Jessie: Menagerie?

Faunus Dog explained to Jessie about the menagerie history, The place when faunus lived and their culture. Humans in the island were not allowed in menagerie since the discrimination on faunus. This shock Jessie.

Jessie: Sorry, We didn't know.

Faunus Dog: I-it's okay, But w-who are you?

Jessie: Well-


Gunshot was heard, Jessie wide her eyes.

Jessie: Quickly!! Closed the door!! Quick!!

Back with hans and the german troops.

Hans engage the white fang grunts, Both of them had casualties, but the german had upper hand. The Panzer IIV fires it's main machine guns killed the white fang grunts. Jessie arrived at the since. She saw dead bodys everyway.

Jessie: Mett Gott. What happen?

Hans: We're attack by this stranger mask people again.

Jessie: Quickly, Set up the defensive, Keep people in their houses, We don't want civilians in the crossfire.

Hans: Ja.


Location: 5 Miles Menagerie.

USK Navy ships crossed the ocean. When that happen, They're saw a city ahead. Tony was not happy be pull in the army again.

Tony: I hate my life ;-;

To be continue


Next Chapter 3

???: Hello, We have come in peace.

???: I am here for negotiate!


USKA and its allies are now in remnantWhere stories live. Discover now