Chapter 10

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Ahhh hey stars sorry for making u wait I'll make sure to start posting more and all and I have to stop making excuses because last time I said I post tmmr but I never did im sorry pero está bien anyways let's continue with the story shall we....
This chapter is bad well idk tell me if it is!!

No ones POV:

"R-regie likes me?!?!" Ryan said
"Yeah he does and what we did was wrong...."Oliver whispers "w-well I h-have something to tell u." Ryan whispered back "oh what is it?" Oli says confused
"I....likeuwell.ilikeuandregie..." Ryan said quickly to the point where Oliver didn't even know what he said ".....huh?" Oli said really fucking confused
"...I like u Oliver I like u and regie." Ryan said slowly

"...Ryan I like u to but...u can't like us both.."Oliver said a little loudly "what..but I really like regie but I really like u to!" Ryan said louder "Your Going To Have To Choose..Me or Regie who is it gonna be" oli says "Oliver you know I can't choose that's a lot of pressure." Said Ryan "how About be with me and see if u like me better if not u can go to regie okay ?" Oliver whispered "" Ryan smiles
"Okay come on let's go to bed I'm tired" oli says walking away "hold on wait for me dumbass!" Ryan says running while Oliver chuckles

In the morning
Ryan wakes up before everyone he goes to the restroom to do whatever he does he brushes his teeth and walks out he looked over at oli and smiles
"He's so beautiful" Ryan says he walks up to oli and kisses his forehead before walking out..
Before he stepped out he grabbed one of Oliver's shirts and puts it on he walks down stairs and starts making breakfast.....

Everyone wakes up except for Oliver

"Hey good morning Zaddy~" ****** says
"Ugh stfu Darren ur mad annoying" Ryan yelled
"Well damn I can't say good morning to you or what?!" Darren yells back he goes sits down and goes On his phone while the other members come down and say good morning "hey where's Oliver?" Sebastian questioned "oh he's asl-" before Ryan got to finish Oliver says while walking in "I'm right here."  "HEy ZaDdY Good MOrnInG" Darren yells
"Good morning darren" oli reply's annoyed he walks up to Ryan and raps his arms around Ryan's waist "good morning ryry" oli said in his sleepy voice
Everyone had there mouth open except for Justin he rolled his eyes "wow wow wow what the fuck did I miss a chapter?!?!?!" Kane said
"Literally wtf is going on.." Darren yells
"Why The Fuck Do You Guys Care!?" Oliver says turning around still having his arms around Ryan's body

"Well I mean why DIDNT You Tell Us You Two Are Together!" Manager ty says

"Well uh it's because.." Ryan said looked down 
"Go on.." ty says looking at the two boys

To be continued

There might be weird that aren't spelled right so I'm sorry🙏

Falling in love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora