chapter 1

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Samira's pov:

        "Let me go! Let me go!" I yelled hitting the hand of the security guard who was taking me somewhere in the mall. Probably to the bosses office.

    "Do you know who I am? Just one phone call to my mother and you will be fired from this place. And if I tell her how you touched me inappropriately, you wouldn't live to see you better let go of me while you still have the chance. I will pay you the money for this stupid jewelry just let me go you bastard!" I continued hitting any part of his body my hand could touched.

   "Young lady, you don't know the amount of trouble you're in, so I suggest you stay quiet and not draw attention to yourself." The guard said calmly.

   How is he so calm in this situation. How is he so fucking calm? Doesn't my constant hits affect him?

    It was just a fucking jewelry. I could buy this whole mall if I want. He doesn't need to drag me to the bosses office. If that man calls my mom I would be in big trouble.

     "Can't i just pay for the jewelry? I won't steal again I promise." I lied knowing fully well I was still gonna steal again, okay maybe not in this mall but somewhere else.

    The first day I ever stole something. Well, it was more like shoplift. The first time I shoplifted was when I was eight. My mom took me to a grocery shop, I saw some candy canes and begged my mom to buy some for me. But she refused, saying sugar will rot my teeth. I begged her from the moment we got in the grocery store to when she finished shopping.

      I couldn't stand the fact that the other kids were getting the candy canes I wanted and I couldn't get any. So I had to do something about it. If my mom wasn't gonna get me candy canes, I would get them myself.

    I walked away from my mom who was paying for what she got at the front desk. I went to the candy section and saw one worker standing there, she was the only one in that section nobody else was there. So I walked up to her telling her I couldn't find my mom.

   She told me to come with her, I walked behind her and when she was  out of the candy section, I ran back to were the candy was and took a hand full of the candy canes and stuff them inside the sleeves of my jacket, Like I had seen in a movie. The worker came back luckily she didn't catch me because I had already stuff all of it in my sleeves and was walking out of that section. I told her not to worry that I had found my mom, she just gave me a weird look and walked back to her previous position.

      So after that day I had made sure to take something from any place I go to. it was the only thing not boring about my life. The feeling of getting caught,the rush and the adrenaline. I lived for it.

    I have been doing it successfully for nine years without getting caught. I was an expert at this. I don't know how I got caught today. My mom doesn't know about this hobby of mine. If she knew she would never let me leave the house forever. 

   "Go sit down and wait for the boss to come. And make sure you don't make any noise or else..." He trailed off and then walked away, leaving me in a dimly lit room. Where the only light source was from a little lamp.

   "Where the fuck is this place." I said out loud.

   "Mall jail. This is not how it was supposed to go. My calculations were wrong. I was not supposed to be caught,my calculations are never wrong. I worked on this for a week. I going to be transferred to a real jail and my dreams of-

  "Can you shut the fuck up already! Before i come do it myself." A raspy voice said cutting the other girl that was rambling earlier.

  "Are we really in mall jail?" I asked hoping the one with the raspy voice would answer because she was the only one who seemed like she was in the right state of mind.

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