update #1

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     alrighty, i'm going to finally put up an important (i think it is anyway, since it's definitely big news for my account here at least). so, i currently have 5-6 more [Ereri] fanfictions left to finish writing on here. now, you may be wondering why i brought those up for this update but i assure you that the answer is a simple yet slightly saddening one: those will be the last fanfics with the ereri paring/ship.

     to clarify: after those 5-6 are completed, there will be hardly any to no more fanfics with this pairing. now you may be asking, "what the fuck? no! i enjoyed reading your fanfics with the [Ereri] ship! you can't stop writing them! why are you stopping?!" 

     my explanation is this: i have been writing fanfics with this pairing since 2017; that's right around the time when [WIT Studio] decided to pick up where they left off and bring about the first half of season 3. meaning that, as much as i absolutely love these two characters, it's time for me to put them to rest alongside the manga and what remains in the anime. however, keep in mind that this doesnt mean i'll stop writing them indefinitely, just they won't be the main focus anymore. they've captured the spotlight on my account for a good long while, so it's just time for me to hand that light over to the ones next in line so to speak.

     i may or may not come back with some new idea, revisit an old idea, or just re-work an entire fanfic with them (my writing back then was [ATROCIOUS] when i first started writing), so it might be fun to re-write one of the oldies. plus, having read all of the manga (meaning the ending) that bright spark has almost diminished, so only embers remain as of now. with newer seasons of [MHA/BNHA] continuing to release and seeing the [VLD] fandom dying out, along with finding and enjoying other anime/manga/games along the way as well, i want to give my account as much diversity as possible. for now, my favorite [MHA/BNHA] and [VLD] pairings/ships will take over since i hardly have enough of those right now and i feel as though i didn't give the first [MHA/BNHA] fanfics i wrote enough justice.

     so yeah, i guess you can consider this a big turning of a new leaf. i thought a lot about this and i think this is for the best for not only me and my account, but for everyone else who follows me on here and has been wanting more variety. so as of today, the last 5-6 fanfics i have left with the [Ereri] pairing will be the last ones i write. if you need to know which ones those are just so you're aware i'll list them below.

[The Art of Murder]

[The Black Widow]

[Death Game]

[Elegantly Wasted]


[Insatiable Thirst]

     last thing before i go: the reason i keep saying 5-6 is because i don't know if i'll actually write [Death Game] or not (or at least keep going with it rn since there're going to be a lot of chapters in it). i want to because i still think it's a cool idea, but i'm debating on taking it on as a serious project and then having to re-work the outline and pace how everything goes in it. plus, i still need to figure out how [Levi] and [Eren] would possibly get together in this one as well lol. but anyway, that's the big update. i figured i'd write it here rather than on my conversation board because this seemed like a big deal to me in my opinion. let me know what you guys think in the comments or in my [DM]s if you'd like.

~ Author-san

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