Where to fuck kaoru

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Hypothetically if you were to get this far in the relationship
I would suggest you guys start to spice it up in the bedroom
When I say this I mean
Try new kinks
New position
And definitely different places

These are places I would suggest

1. At a public hotel
Just to test the waters I would start with a public hotel
Still in the bedroom just with a little less privacy
I feel that kaoru wouldn't mind doing it in a hotel
He would probably suggest a love hotel
But that choice is would be up to you.

2. The beach
This one is a little more intense due to the fact you two are in public
Kaoru would be a little tense but would agree
You two would move to a secluded part of the beach
Kaoru would be a little bit off than usual due to the fact he would be looking around to see if anyone is looking.

3. Backstage
Now that you two have done it in public before kaoru wouldn't be as uptight as he was before
Kaoru would be the one to suggest that you guys do it backstage of an undead concert.

4. In a classroom
Now listen...if you were to agree to this no shame on you but....( ゚д゚)
This time kaoru didn't suggest it, he just did it
He was probably a bit pent up, with your consent he would do you right there
He would most likely enjoy this.

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