What happens afterwards

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Now that you and kaoru have reached the peak of your relationship
What should you do?

Well I feel like you two should take it slow and not rush anything
Things I think you should do is

1. Show up to his concerts
Even if you don't like undead
He would appreciate you just being there
Help and support him through his career

2. Go on little date
Nothing big
Just a small little outing
It would be enjoyable, he would take you to simple but nice places
And every now and then take you out to expensive places

3. Spend him with him
Even if it's just over the phone
Things like that mean a lot
Whether it's through text or you two are in person the little moments count

4. Get married.
I know I said take it slow but......
Cmon he literally has it all!
He's famous
Good looking
And a gentleman
If I were you I would put a ring on it.

Cmon he literally has it all!He's famous Good lookingAnd a gentleman If I were you I would put a ring on it

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Oh wait...I already did....

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