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What was he doing here. Had he come to see me. I got excited and stood up from my seat but before I could run out, a boy from my class came running. "The new professor is here" he shouted.

What , such a sudden replacement, I thought. "It's one of our professor's earlier taught students. They say he is really good at this stuff and very strict and judgemental" the guy continued. "So that's how I am huh? " a new voice appeared but somehow I thought it felt familiar. In stepped Kavin with a bag on this shoulder and materials in his hand. He had an insert look it looked so formal, so hot I thought.

The guy rushed to his seat and said "Good morning sir" That's when it hit me. The new professor he was talking about was none other than Kavin.

He walked in and stood there with a cold stare. I smiled at him. But he didn't seem to care. "So I recall Prof. Jeff had given you guys a project. So please submit it right now as I will check it right now. He said in a strict tone.
One by one most handed in their projects and those who didn't were asked to leave the premises. Kavin had changed. Now he was my proffesor no longer a friend.

One by one  he judged and corrected each and every project. But when it reached mine I saw a side of him I've never seen. "This lacks potential, the ones who didn't submit were better" he said coldly staring at my face. "Maybe instead of wandering around you should give more priority to academics " He said as he slammed my work on the desk as he gave it back.

No matter what I held back my tears though I knew I was about to burst. I never thought he'd say such things to me. Even when I wasn't wandering but helping him  with the works. He knew how much work I put into my project. Cause we talked about it when we had free time. But now, I don't know why he is behaving like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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