Chapter 10

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American Mocha
Chapter 10

Kari sat back and kept her eyes on the screen, as the light bit into her eyes. The last sentence he sent, was daring, was what she was looking for. She just didn't know if it would lead to other paths. Darker ones.

Kari pursed her lips and hovered her fingers over the keyboard. What would she answer with...

She sighed and typed in the first thing that came to mind.

I don't know how I feel about that.

Like I said its all about chance and risk. So Miss Seasons, you ready to change your leaves?

Kari bit back a sigh and glanced out the window. It was nice out. Snow was dropping around her, but she could feel the warmth, how it nestled into the core of her stomach, and made home. How dancing elephants stomped and hollered into her life. She felt it, and she smiled warmly at it.

She brought her eyes back to the screen with one answer playing at the tips of her fingers.
Peniel waited for her, he knew she would come around, he had that feeling. Peniel placed down the notebook, her entries were getting depressing again.

She would never actually say what happened to her, it left Peniel with questions that had no answers to. He would have to run down her paths to find them. To find her.

When Peniel read her digits, he thought of the way leaves fall from their branches in Autumn. Instead her walls were falling, and Peniel would be there to see her standing tall like how he imagines.

Peniel smiled warmly and decided to hear her voice. He waited too long for this, to the point where he imagined the soft lull and pull of her voice. He imagined she spoke fast, but only at the end of sentences. He imagined she said the word 'tomato' one way and not the other. He thought of these things.

Peniel had expectations, but when she answered, she broke through every single one.
When Kari saw the unknown number pop up, she hesitated. Would Peniel sound like she imagined in her mind? Would he let her down? Or would it be everything she asked for?

Would his voice sound like sunshine? Like the crumble of leaves under a shoe? Or maybe the way the waves sound right before they crash? She had no words. No summer time explanations of her distraught emotions. She would just have to wait and see.

Kari moved to the edge of her seat. Her mouth dry and her head pounding, just like her heart was doing around her cages. She quickly answered and held it to her ear.

There was silence. The type of foreboding silence, the type of exciting, suspenseful silence. She leaned forward and waited for his voice.

"Kari?" He asked for her name. It was strong, boyish. Not rough but curved, smoothened around the edges. It made her smile. A type of smile that pained her cheeks. He sounds better than what she thought, she never really realized how much she would love that sound. She would never tell him.

"Peniel." It came out as a breath. She placed her hand under her chin, the apartment that was once dark, that once blocked out the light, was glistened in yellow light. Her shades were pulled back. All of them.
"So now I have a voice to the name. Its nice to hear you, Sunshine. " he said and his voice vibrated through her body. Set fire in the pit in her stomach. She bit back the smile.

"I guess you do. " she said in return. She leant forward.

"So Sunshine, was it really that scary?"


Peniel smiled and listened to the lull of her voice, it was soft. He ended up listening to her and she listened to him for hours, just branches of thoughts would extend and their leaves of stories would fill their empty branches.

Leaves that they exchanged and changed the colors to. Leaves that they never allowed to fall.

She was his sunshine and he would be her everything and anything if she asked.

Peniel laid back that night, after she had hung up. He smiled. He had an answer for Sungjae now. An answer to that question he asked months ago.

Yes. Yes, Peniel Shin was in love with Kari Wong.

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