i've got you by a thread

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He couldn't quite remember what happened. In the air, listening to the crowd chanting, chasing the snitch, the roar of the world around him, a sudden frightening sensation, and then a very sudden nothing. Now he was here, somehow, feeling strangely heavy and peaceful. He felt like he was being pulled through a thick fog. James didn't even feel connected to his body.

"James? James. I don't know if you can hear me, you've been asleep a while. You had a bit of a fall, mate. You kinda just passed out, fell off your broom. I know you'd ask if you were awake, because you're insistent and annoying, but you did catch the snitch."

Sirius. For once a comforting voice in the murky water. He coughed, wheezing- yeah he could definitely feel his chest trembling, the feeling reverberating through his lungs.

"Take it easy."

Remus was here, too. Excellent.

"Evans cried."



A pause. James took the moment to work out where he was. It was dark: he could tell even though his eyes were closed, as there was no light trying to pierce through. Maybe it was late at night. The bed he was on was soft, somewhere between too hot and too cold. Just right. There was a faint smell, like fresh laundry.

"You've been out a while, like I said. Head injury, they reckon."

That made sense- his head felt the heaviest of all his body. He felt as though gravity was trying to drag his body down to the Earth's core. Like his limbs had been encased with cement, perhaps turning to stone. Falling back to sleep sounded... heavenly.

"He can hear us, Sirius. He's awake."

"I know, it's just.. Freaky.."

What was freaky? It was just James Potter, falling off his broom playing Quidditch. It wasn't exactly abnormal. He fell all the time, and usually slept straight after. Why was this any different? So what if he had a head injury? He was just tired.
He coughed again, following it with a weak groan. A hand smoothed his hair off his face.

"If it helps, Prongs, it probably looks worse than it is."

"I don't think you're helping..."

"It's better than nothing."

He wanted to tell them both that he was fine- well and truly fine. That there was no need for all this fuss. No matter what he did, his mouth wouldn't move and he couldn't form words in his throat. Something moved next to him, and he could hear footsteps moving away. Whoever was left took a deep breath in and gave a tired sigh.

"James, you're honestly... It's not as bad as it feels, I bet. You kinda just passed out on your broom. I know Sirius already said it, but... we can't... figure out why. You're eating fine, y'know, so.. We can't work it out. They sent your parents an Owl- they're on the way."

Oh, yeah. He passed out, like Sirius said. So what?

"You're gonna be fine."

Someone stood, squeezing his hands.

And then there was one, drifting off again.

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