Chapter 3 - Study Date

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(Art at top of the page is mine!)

Sitting at home and trying to do homework is always a hazardous thing. Let alone trying to do it in the living room or kitchen. Mom running about and wanting to talk to us about anything and everything is usually the biggest hazard. Today, that hazard seems to be Zane.

He slams his laptop down on the table next to me - slam's might be an exaggeration, he treats it as if it was his child. "Garroth, there's been an announcement."


"A concert- nearby-ish."

"And you want to go?"

He nods, seemingly excited, his tough guy persona cracking slightly.

"Whose the concert for?"

"Emilia Lynch."

I blink, i hadn't heard anything of her having a concert around here. Since when was Zane more in the loop about her than me? "When was this announced?"

"Ten minutes ago. We have to get tickets before they sell out."

"How much do they cost."

He cringes, "Do you think we could convince mom and dad to pay for them? The best ones are about $800..."

I sigh, there's no way dad would agree to that...I ponder over it for a moment, "Maybe if you ask mom. She's always attempting to get you to go out and about. Dad would never agree, unless mom really pushed for it."

We both look at each other for a moment, pondering over if it would work or not...."I think I can pull it off."

I nod, "Then lets call mom and try to convince her."

"MOM!" Both of us shout for her. Sure enough, within moments she's downstairs and looking at us with confusion. It was nearly never that we ever called for her at the same time.

"Yes sweethearts?"

Zane tilts his computer to show mom, "There's this concert I want to go to. Garroth said he'd take me but...I don't have the money to pay for the tickets."

"You...want to go to a concert?"

Zane nods enthusiastically, "It's for that artist who Garroth is always listening to. I...enjoy her music too."

Mom blinks, looking over us slightly confused, before becoming overly excited like she often does, "OH MY LORD, My baby Zuzu wants to go to a concert!! With GarGar even?? Of COURSE. I'll talk to your father and get the tickets covered."

Zane grins, "Really?"

She nods, "Just put it on my card for now, I'll discuss it with your father when he gets off  work."

Zane waste's no time working on buying the tickets for us, practically bouncing in his seat and showing me where the spots he was purchasing tickets were for. "Backstage passes are already sold out, but, we can at least get seats pretty close to the front."

"It looks good. What's compelled you to want to go to this concert though?" While Zane did like listening to her music, it wouldn't be surprising if other people from our school went. Especially due to how close the concert was in proximity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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