Chapter 42

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Chapter 42 Amusement Park

    If it were to change to the general situation, how would the nun care about the inquiries of tourists, and she would have bitten someone to death long ago. But Bai Wenxia's identity is obviously not ordinary, and he can actually be blessed by the owner of the amusement park.

    But if the master really wants to protect this human, why not let this human in?

    Could it be that this is the love between them? It is true that I heard that many human couples will enter the haunted house together to find excitement, so of course she has to cooperate.

    The nun thought quickly in her heart, stood up, her clothes covered most of her face, only the outline of the bottom half of her face was revealed, her hands were still in a prayer position, and there was a bit of pity in her voice, and she said: "Break into this place by mistake. Traveler here, you came here to find your companion, but you should know that you are about to face a road that cannot be turned back, are you sure you must go in?”

    Actually, this dialogue was originally It can only be triggered if the tourist stumbles into the other side of the road during the chase with the nun, and finds the hidden diary in the upstairs room, but where can she care so much now... As for this diary, she It should be almost the same to think of a way to put it directly in front of Bai Wenxia.

    Seeing the nun's appearance as an NPC who posted the background of the mission, Bai Wenxia was confused. Could it be that what just happened was really just a frightening hallucination at the beginning.

    "No matter what happens, I must find him." Bai Wenxia said firmly.

    "Your friend has already gone down, if nothing else, he should be the bishop's 'food' soon." When the bishop was mentioned, the nun's face showed disgust, and it was obvious that she did not have a good relationship with the other party." The bishop is very hungry and thirsty for food. He is not picky at all. He eats a meal every five minutes. But there is enough food on his side. If you go down quickly, you may be able to save people in time."

    She said here, and turned around . She got up, and then a diary dropped directly from her body. Not only that, but there was an underground topographic map next to her...

    Bai Wenxia: "..." Is it really possible to get such a prop so easily? Speaking of props such as diaries, it is too much to see directly in front of the parties.

    The nun didn't seem to notice anything. Rather, she simply hinted that Bai Wenxia picked up these two props.

    Bai Wenxia had nothing to be afraid of, so he picked up the diary and topographic map. The topographic map clearly marked the various areas underground, but it was torn in half and only part of the area was visible.

    The area occupied by this underground is much larger than that on the ground, and it is already like a small town. Most of these places are prison cells, and some are dormitories for the clergy. At the center is the great hall with the altar, next to which is the bishop's bedroom.

    The underground passages are densely packed like a labyrinth. If there is no topographic map, even the clergy here will not be able to find their way.

    "These things are not important, I have to go down quickly." Bai Wenxia came to the entrance quickly.

    The entrance of the underground passage already had a deep sense of coldness, and there were already many traces of blood at the threshold. Pushing the door open, looking down at the bottom, there was only a candle emitting light.

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