Chapter 138

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Chapter 138 Sacrifice

    "But what if there are those messy people who accidentally enter the location of the formation?" The village chief was still a little worried.

    He had specially arranged that residence for Bai Wenxia and the others to mislead them. Although it would reveal some of the situation in the village, it could also cover up the real secret. It's just that it's still a little disconcerting.

    "I have already sent ghosts to monitor those places, don't worry about it." The man in black robe said, "What's more, they are ordinary people, and it is impossible for them to perceive the existence of the formation. Ten thousand steps said that if they really touched the foundation of the formation, they would be killed directly by ghosts."

    "Besides, they all have ghosts in their backpacks, and they are already haunted by ghosts. If you are angry, these ghosts will also appear directly, which is equivalent to seeking death!"

    As for the three conditions, it is even more difficult. The first is to have no ghosts around, the second is to find the location of the foundation, and the last is to break the original protective power on the jar. Generally speaking, the last one is the most difficult and requires a variety of methods to achieve.

    "That's right." The village chief breathed a sigh of relief.


    At this time, Ge Haiqing was on the second floor of a dilapidated building.

    He hid in a cabinet in a room, looking at the backpack next to him, his heart froze, "I'm really careless."

    The reason why he came here this time was just to find a place for part of the corpse in the backpack. Hide it, but who knew that he noticed this building on the road, walked in like a ghost, and when he realized it, the door was already closed!

    Fortunately, he had the powder that he found in that room last night to hide his breath, otherwise he would have been killed by the ghosts in this room long ago.

    But this powder can't last for too long, and the most critical problem is that the Specter in his backpack seems to be awakening again! The yin inside kept coming out. The rules of the copy do not allow this backpack to be discarded.

    Just as he was at a loss, a movement suddenly came from downstairs.

    "Which unlucky guy is here again?" Ge Haiqing's spirits were lifted. If he could take advantage of this new unlucky guy, he would have a chance to escape alive!


    At this time, the entrance of the strange building that was dilapidated and gloomy.

    Bai Wenxia looked at the map in his hand, then looked up at the place in front of him that seemed to collapse soon, frowning, "It should be here. The place where the ancestral hall is written, strange, I follow the above. How did you come here... but this place doesn't look right, it should be quite dangerous, let's go and have a look."

    And after a little observation, you can notice that there are many footprints around, obviously more than one. People came in this room, which made Bai Wenxia feel that he should have triggered a dangerous spot.

    He walked directly into the building, and suddenly felt a chill in his body. It was pitch-black here, and he couldn't reach his fingers. The windows were completely sealed with wooden slats, and a lot of debris was piled on the ground.

    Bai Wenxia used the light of his mobile phone to shine on the wall, and he saw blood-colored traces like human figures printed on the wall.

    "This is..." Just as Bai Wenxia was observing seriously, the door behind him suddenly made a tooth-crunching sound, and closed before anyone could react.

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