Chapter 3 Joining The Army

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Lamoon's POV

The next day

Lamoon: so, are you guys in?

Michael: Yeah, but what are we going to say to our families?

Lucy; nothing let master handle that

Wender: my sister won't let me do that

Alexianna: that's why you're not going to tell anyone right

Lamoon: hey (angered) anyways we need to meet with the master

Then they meet up with Edo Lucy

Edo Lucy: so, this is the team

Lucy: yeah, what do you think

Edo Lucy: it will have to do considering you don't have enough training

Lamoon: so, when will we go on the mission

Edo Lucy: tonight, there's a newly built training camp 20 klicks south of guild

Alexianna: that's so close

Edo Lucy: that's why I wanted you two to pick the team because if you don't trust your team you'll surely fail

Lucy; ok then how are we going to get inside

Edo Lucy: just leave that to me

Later that day

Outside the army camp about 1 kilometer away

Edo lucy; ok wear this (toss them a sack full of clothes and armor)

Lamoon; what's this

Edo Lucy: disguises

Lamoon opens the sack and grabbed a few of the items that fit her then hands the bag to the others

Then the boys head behind the trees to change while the girls stayed to change

A few minutes later after they finished changing

Edo Lucy: alright are you ready

The team: yeah

Edo Lucy: all right now let's give you call signs to call each other inside

Wender: why

Edo Lucy: so the enemies won't use it against you and I know they will

Lucy: what are you thinking our callsign should be

Edo Lucy: yours will be Lima "Nato alphabet for L" for Alexianna Sierra "Nato alphabet for S" Wender yours will be echo "Nato alphabet for E" for Michael Romeo is his call sign "Nato alphabet for R" Lamoon yours will be Julliet "Nato alphabet for J" what do you think

Lucy: it's ok I guess

Edo Lucy; too bad those are your names now

After they talked, they headed to the camp when they got close, they saw a group of soldiers that were running late night mandatory jog so they sneak into the group so they can get in easily

Then when they saw that the group was splitting into two that separated the man from the women so they decided to do the same to avoid detection

At the women's side of the camp

Alexianna: what do we do now Lam- eh Julliet

Lamoon: for now, let's just rest we'll figure it out tomorrow

Hiro Mashima the Creator of Fairy Tail

Lamoon, Lucy, (not the canon) "forgot to add her last chapter", Alexianna, Wender, Michael= Original Character (OC) and edited by Layla_Dragneel_Star

JM, = Original Characters (OC) and Story by jamesmcbayot 

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