Meeting The Prince Of Darkness

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// now this will be Mick Mars POV! I hope you guys enjoy this story...I really enjoy making you guys have a great time reading. My stories I promise I'll work on the others too but since I'm quarantine in my room I have a little time to work on this story! Hope you guys enjoy this! And I love you all//

Micks POV

Sitting on the edge of my bed as I stare at my bags..I can't really believe we're going to meet Ozzy Osbourne.. The Prince Of Darkness himself! This has me in shocked, I love Ozzy so so much! Even his music too! God..his great! But I can't believe going on Tour with him. Now that a dream come true for me, meeting Ozzy and going on Tour with him?! Oh this is rad!
I can't wait any longer! I mean- who isn't? I wanna meet him now! Like right nooooww!
Getting up from my bed, grabbing my bags and heading out the door, going to the living room as I see the tour bud outside. I couldn't help but smile
This is my chance to meet Ozzy!


I was reading a magazine of Ozzy of course who wouldn't?? I mean his one of the greatest!
Even when he bit a bats head! And that doves too! Gosh! His really crazy, lookin at the pictures of him i couldn't help but smile.. his really is good looking...
"Hey Mick! Are you excited to meet Oz?" Nikki said as he popped up a bottle of Jack Daniels
Who wouldn't be excited?!
"Yeah! I mean..this is a dream come true! I always wanted to meet him! I love everything about him!" I smiled, I'm more excited to see him! I wonder what he thinks of me.
"Woah bud! Ya do sound excited!" Nikki cracked a chuckle. I smiled
"Yo dudes!! We're gonna have a fuckin blast with Ozman!" Tommy said excitedly. Nikki smirked "fuck yeah dude! We're gonna destroy the hotel." I knew those two were gonna be trouble makers.. lord well I might of stay out of trouble. Don't wanna end up again in prison "dudes can you keep it down? I'm trying to sleep here!" Vince yelled from the other side of the room.
I just laughed, Nikki and Tommy made more noises just to bother Vince lord.. those kids are very, very loud. Like so loud.
"Lord! Well..Mick what is your first impression of You meeting Ozzy?" I heard Nikki. I thought and hummed. "Uhmm..Dunno maybe not trying to freak out?" I laughed.
"Looord you'll freak out! I mean come on." Nikki shook his head, his right I would there's nothing wrong with it...



We got here..I took a nap and lord I'm still tired.. but! I still gotta meet Ozzy!!
I grabbed my bags and headed to my hotel room for myself. Of course not tryna be buddies with this three idiots! Lord...I set my bags down, and getting my comfy clothes on changing into them cos jeez.. this tight pants are making me wanna- God! Phew..I put on my sweat pants. Lord..I'm sooo tired but! Ozzys Tour manager said that we'll meet him at the small cafe here in the hotel! Oh this is is exciting!
I can't wait to meet Ozzy, I'm legit freaking out! Okay okay Lemme calm down..not tryna have a heart attack or anything, I heard a knock on my door.
"Mick let's go!" Vince called out.
"Coming!" I grabbed my shoes and put them on as, I walked out of my hotel room and went with them to the cafe. Well we're starvin!
I sat down and looked at the menu.. but I looked around and no sight of Ozzy...hmm maybe his running late? Or...Dunno.
Thomas Ozzy Manager came to us. "Hi guys! Sorry for the waiting but Ozzy will be here in just 20 minutes!"
Gosh..20 minutesss ughh well we have to wait. Anyway. I looked at the menu and hummed..hmm what do I want.. oh! I'll get the chocolate chip pancakes! With a milkshake.
As the waiter came and took our orders I start to look around until my eyes met.....

Ozzy Osbourne!

I gasped oh. My. God!!! It's him! It's Ozzy!! Ozzy Osbourne The Prince Of Darkness!! I stared to shake he came to our table and sat down having a smile on his face. Oh my gosh!!!! ITS OZZY!! FROM BLACK SABBATH!! Oh M-
"Mick? Mick!!" I snapped out and looked
"I..y-yes?" My face turned red gosh..not now!..
"Well aren't you gonna say hello?" Vince Said.
I nodded and looked at Ozzy as he have his hand out, oh my-
"Ello Lad!" Ozzy Smiled.
"H-hi!" I shook hands with him. AAAHHHH HIS HAND ARE SO SOFT?!?
"Well what ya name pal?" Ozzy looked at me.
Is he asking for me name?? Oh lord! Uuhh.. shit! Uh-
"N-names Mick Mars" I stuttered. Oh no..his gonna think I'm weird!
Ozzy nodded as he looks at the others. I looked down was that weird? Does he think I'm weird? Oh no..

Our food came in and we started to eat but I stayed silent for the whole night just said some two or three words..I know I'm happy to see Ozzy, but what if he thinks I'm too weird? Or why I'm so quiet? Ugh! No! He would never think that!.. or maybe..he would..
"Hey..lad? What's wrong? You seem too...quiet" I heard a voice and looked up and saw Ozzy talking to me- to me?? Gosh what do I say?? Uh..fuck!
"Y-...yeah uhm..-" I got cutoff
"Oh don't worry about him! His okay! Trust us! His always like this his too shy to talk to people." Nikki said.
Thank god..why do I have to shy!. I wish I was never shy around people. Like why can't I just go talk Ozzy normally without me fucking it up! Ugh..
I'll just go to my hotel room since I'm too shy to speak to him... but at least it was great to meet him.
I got up and walked out. Saying nothing like they even noticed I left...Sometimes I feel like..I'm invisible...I shook my head and went to my hotel room, took off my shoes, and laid down on the bed staring at the ceiling..well it was fun meeting Ozzy! Even tho I was too shy to speak to him..he probably thinks I'm too weird and too quiet... well at least he knows my name I guess that all it matters right?
Or I'm wrong...?

Maybe I'm wrong..

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