Touch Me

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His lips brushed my skin, razors of bone digging into my collar bone.

Skin on skin.

Lips to lips.

Messy hair.

Smudged makeup.

Pure bliss.

His fingers tangled in the expanse of h/c locks as out tongues intertwined. A slight hint of metallic stained his teeth and lips.

Fingers trailed down my body, soft but strong hands traced every last part of my torso. Every last touch sent me into pure ecstasy.

"Close your eyes, boy."

Both of his hands trailed down as I closed my eyes, the limbs going under my thighs and spreading them.

Soft breath against my thighs, trailing down to where I wish I had the parts of a real man.

I woke up, sweating. Another dream about him... I wish I could see him again.

Maybe somewhere a musical artist would be..? Somewhere someone like him would visit to see if they had anything of his taste...?

Oh my Satan... It riles me up so badly to think about him...

I slowly got up, looking in the mirror of my bathroom. H/c hair fucked all to heaven. I ran my fingers through it, wanting to tear up. It's going to be one of those days...

I wet my hair, brushing it through and wiping off the makeup from last night.

I want to taste him.

I yawned, walking to my closet to grab a silk purple over shirt, a black shirt to go under it, and white dress pants to go with.

My facial hair was growing nicely... I'm glad. I look more manly today.

I grabbed my guitar, amp, distortion panel, a few other things, a microphone, lyrics, and headed to my car.

Let me touch you.

I pat the hood of my AE86, walking to the driver's side door after putting my stuff in the back. Guitar gets shotgun.

I drove to the record store, looking for new music to make covers of or get inspiration from.

I looked through the shelves, something caught my eye soon after. Tear You Apart... I wonder what this is.

I want to fucking tear you Apart.

I grabbed a few extra records, cassettes, and DVDs that I thought were interesting and started walking towards the entrance when... Oh my Satan...

"Close you eyes, boy."

He walked in. Out eyes met and I almost dropped everything I had in my arms at his smile.

"Oh, you're the boy from the concert a few weeks ago, right? I remember that expression." His smooth voice rang out, striking nerves that would have forced a sound out of me in that moment if I had shit self control.

"Y-Yeah..!" What do I say? Don't say you've been dreaming about him... Don't say you've been wanting to taste him. Don't say anything weird. "You look amazing today- not saying you never not look amazing-" WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU AWKWARD FUCKING SEA CUCUMBER! "I- sorry- I'm not used to meeting my idols-"
I said, too embarrassed to not force out a small smile.

"Why thank you, you also look nice today. Don't worry, almost anyone would get nervous around someone they admire." He said, mismatched eyes closing a she softly smiled.

Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't. Say. It. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't do it. Don't.

I want to hold you close.

"You're hot-" FUCK! WHY! WHY TODAY! WHAT THE FUCK! AAAAAAAH! "Shit! Sorry! I- fuck-..." I stuttered, quickly looking away.

"Heh, why thank you, doll. I could say the same to you." He said. That voice was everything I ever wanted. I. Crave. Him.

Hold yourself back. Calm yourself. Don't do anything stupid again.

Feel my skin.

"I hope you have a nice day with whatever you might have to do today...! I apologize if I made you uncomfortable in any way!" I said, rushing to the counter to buy my items.

"I hope you have a nice day as well... Say, do you have anything important planned today? I know it sounds odd considering I'm practically a stranger... But you seemed very interesting back in the crowd... Something I've never seen before." His words struck those nerves again. It was so hard not to just submit. Don't fuck this up, y/n. You're already seen as a freak by alot of people because you're transmasc. Don't. Fuck. This. Up.

"I was planning to go play my guitar at the part for a bit like always, practice some song covers, then grab something to eat and go home... But I wouldn't mind doing something different for a change." I said, pulling out my wallet as Emeritus smiled to me.

"That does sound interesting, I wonder how your playing and singing sounds now, heh." He said, that cute laugh making me uncontrollably smile.

Fuck. Me. Up.

"I can show you, if you want! I've been playing ever since my 13th birthday... So around 13 years." I said, grabbing the bag with my stuff in it after paying the shop owner for my items.

"I would love that. I just need to grab something from here and I'll be right out, doll." His voice made me smile without thinking as I walked out to my car.

So lovely, it feels so right.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the man I was about to spend the day with.

He tasted so, so sweet.

"I want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight, soft breath, close your eyes boy, so lovely it feels so right~"

His voice was like crimson blood pouring from an open wound down to my fist. From my fist dropping into the water of the tub.

Fingers trailed, scars calling him from my skin, bruised, marked, hurt. Nothing phased him.

He wanted nothing but me.

I wanted nothing but him.

Kiss me.

Touch me.

Bite me.

Hit me.

Hurt me.

Make me feel something.

Love me.

"Hello? Are you alright?" His voice rang out, waking me from my daydream.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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