She Said "Mine"🤧🥺

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Ace Pov...

" Alissa I love it,you make me want to mate you when you say my name like that baby,I love your strategy by the way,hmm I love your smell, your hair, your voice, everything" he's say making me blush.

She is gorgeous beautiful would be an understatement, electric green eyes, the body that only belongs to the moon goddess herself.

"I don't like how the other males are looking at her, especially her breast" My wolf Xander growls angryly.

He wasn't lying they are all looking at her like a piece of meat, even the old male elders.

"Look at her one more time and I'll have your head as a decoration in the bedroom" I told them in the mind link. All their eyes open wide ready to pop.

Authors note:
Y'all sorry but I had to say I'm not a aggressive person though I know alot of aggressive people I'm not,as I said I like fantasy and fantasy can be aggressive sometimes, and I also wanted both male and female to feel comfortable and equal while reading this story,if y'all wanna hate go ahead but please if you can don't because I'm very sassy.

Back to the story....
"Look at her one more time and I'll have your head as a decoration in the bedroom" I told them in the mind link. All their eyes open wide ready to pop.

My mom suddenly burst out laughing,my mate jump at the sudden outburst,I smile to my self. I can't stop looking at her.

"Ok everyone I've come to a decision,Alissa plan is the best we'll use that,so I leave all the work on my son and his mate,my time as the queen as come to an end,I am now going to relax and wait for my grandpups,after the crowning ceremony I expect the plan to be activated for now be on guard, thank you" Mom got up and wink at me. Everyone congratulate us and made their exit.

After everyone left it was complete silence,so I made your stand up and I stand too, and I finally got a good look at her.

5'7, petite but curvey shape, green eyes,long curly beautiful white hair.

"Wait white hair?" Ander ask,"yh why?" I replied,"she's hybrid,you know,were and half witch!" He exclaimed smiling hear to hear,"wow powerful mate ehh?, also meaning extra powerful pups,they are going to need all the protection Xander" I realized,"we will protect them and mate too" Xander declared.

"So what are we going to do now" My mate ask while staring into my eyes,"We are going on a date mate" I smirk, winking at her.

"Ok then let's good by the way that white suit looks stunning" she giggle s softly. Oh and did I mention the voice of a angel.

Oh god what's happening to me* I mentally face palm*

I nod, when we go outside the building two cars were left mine and hers and damn I did not expect that type of car after all she's a woman.

" I bet you a run that blue is her favourite colour " said Xander cheeky.

I smiled.

With a simple wave of her hands the car disappeared that must be her witch.

I smiled again damn I really don't smile alot.

1 hour later....

"I'll take the grill pork with hot melted cheese and some crackers onion sticks and a Apple spice drink please"  My beautiful mate said to the waiter who won't stop looking at her. I growled getting up slowly.

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