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I slam my hand across the button of the alarm. 6:15am....going to be running on 4 hours of sleep. I pull off the covers and am instantly hit by the cool breeze coming from my window. I shut it and stumble to the kitchen. There is a note left from my mom
Had to go into work earlier today. Your brother has already gone off to work by now. Have a good day at school today. Love you! Stay strong xox!
Haha...stay strong. I never was. I gaze my eyes over the food in my fridge. Nothing really catches my eye so I brush my teeth, get changed, do my hair, makeup, grab my backpack. I looked to my wrists to make sure I put concealer on them so no one can see my cuts...
I am actually kind of excited today. Why? Well today is the day of summer break. I am a senior in high school and going to college next fall. Fun.

~time skip~

Everyone runs through the doors cheering, while I'm trying to stay out of the way...I'm not much of a..."people person" I guess. I unlock my bike from the rack, hop on, and start to pedal.
Suddenly, it starts to rain. Fantastic. I watch as the makeup on my wrists starts to wash off so my cuts are fully viable.
Out of no where, a man in a blueish car pulls in front of me, causing me to fall off my bike.
"Son of a bi- WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING! I scream towards him. He hops out of his car, luckily we're on a side street, and runs towards me.
"Oh my god, I am so so sor-" the man starts, but cant seem to finish. I look at his eyes and see he's staring at my arm. I quickly break the silence.
"Oh, uh, don't worry about it! I'm fine, I should have been paying attention." I say somewhat quickly. He looks at my in a very concerned way. He holds out a hand and to help pick me up.
"Mark....Mark Fischbach."

"Scarlett....Scarlett Pierce."

We'll Fall Together (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن