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Kanade sat at her piano. She was tired, an unpleasant, never ending kind of tiredness, that consumed her. The sound of music hurt her ears. The pressure of the people who listened to her music, expecting so much from her, more than she could do. She played out of fear, out of desperation, out of pain. It was horrible. The feeling of doing something you hate and for people to expect you to be amazing at it. To excel. She sighed.
"I wish... Somebody understood. I wish that somebody would love me for who I am. But I... I'm not worth anything but my music." She whispered. A tear trickled down her cheek as she started to play again.
"Why.." She sniffed.
Her fingers ached. Her head throbbed. Her heart was empty. She looked up at the stars. The stars, shining in the inky blue sky. Two stars were near each other, the brightest ones, like lovers reuniting in the sky after millions of years.
"I wonder if anyone is looking up at the sky right now, who is thinking the same as me.. " she murmured, under her breath.

There was, in fact, somebody who was. Her name was Asahina Mafuyu.

the writer and musician :: kanamafuWhere stories live. Discover now