🌸nurses office🌸

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Im at the doctors office plz help me im waiting sooo might as well make my first chapter 🥳🥳

Akito's POV:

"Hey! Akito you need to get up you'll be late!" Ena screamed from outside of the door.
"I'm up!" I responded.
It was finally time. My first day of grade 5 at a new school was here faster than I could have ever expected.
I change my clothes into my uniform and go to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth and combing my hair as I heard Ena scream from downstairs.
"Your bento is on the counter, I'm leaving just try to have a good day alright?" You stay quiet waiting to hear the front door shut but it never does. You open the bathroom door to see Ena standing in front of you blocking the path to downstairs.
"What do you want now?" You ask as you get cut off by Ena wrapping her arms around you. You were stunned by the sudden movement but you decide to hug her back. Not that you wanted to, you had just felt like she needed it.
"Your growing up too fast, you need to stop it" says Ena as she pulls away and walks downstairs.
You go into your room to grab your jacket and hear the front door shut.
I check my phone and see it's 7:49. It suddenly came to me that I have 11 minutes to get to school.
I run down the stairs putting on my jacket, grabbing my book bag and running into the kitchen. I grab the bento Ena made me and ran off to school.
I always wondered why Ena was like this. One day she would curse me out and yell at me over small things. The next she's making me bento and giving me a hug. I hope she's okay.
*time skip to school bc I felt like it* (I don't know how 5th grade works in Japan so let's just act like this is correct <3)
I got to school and went into the cafe. The food actually looked pretty good, but not many people were eating it, so I decided not too.
I soon realized that I was sitting alone and I didn't recognize anybody around me. Except for one.
He was at my old school, was quiet and timid. I don't think he played any sports, so that's why I probably didn't know him, but something seemed different about him. I guess he seemed, well rather upset.
Even though no one came and sat by me, I didn't seem as gloomy as him. I'm not someone to cheer people up, but before I knew it I grabbed my bags and was walking towards him.
"Mind if I-" "Oh I'm sorry you can sit here." He says as he gets up to move "No wait!" I say as I grab his arm.
"I wanted to sit with you. Of course if you don't want me to I can always sit somewhere else"
"Of course you can sit with me." He says with a more joyful attitude.

Wow.. I'm actually getting somewhere with someone new

"Whats your name?" I ask as I sit down next to him, setting down my bag on the seat next to me.
"Im Aoyagi Toya, but since we are in the same grade you can just call me Toya. Oh whatever you want, I mean if you want to call me-"
"Alright Toya, im Akito it's nice to meet you!" You say cutting him off from his clear overthinking, similar to his sisters.
You were about to continue talking when suddenly the bell rang. All the teachers came in the cafe to get their students on their roster.
"Aoyagi?" A teacher shouted. You saw Toya get up when he quickly turned back at you, flashing you a smile and wave as he walked away.
You were worried because it didn't seem like he had many friends, but neither did you.
You could tell the teacher was getting to the end of her roster with already about 15 kids standing next to her. That's when you suddenly hear..
You smile as you walk up to Toya and you two continue your conversation from earlier while walking back to the class. You see so many desks, and are almost over whelmed by how spacious some of the classes were.
This was a bigger school that had a funds, and so sports and extracurricular activities were introduced to the younger kids too. You see Toya slip to the back of the class, so you follow.
The seats were in groups of four, and you waited for Toya to sit down as you followed from afar so you could sit across from him.
You see him finally choose a seat so you walk over.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" You ask softly.
"Sure, I don't mind it's not like I'm popular or anything." Toya states in a melancholy tone.
"Don't be so harsh on yourself! I mean, I think your pretty cool if you ask me."
You see Toya flushed by the statement but nothing comes to mind.
*time skip later into class*
"Alright guys! It's that time!"
The teachers says getting everyone's attention.
"It's time for p.e.!"
"Yay!" Everyone shouted.. except for one.
You looked over at Toya to see the boy upset, but you feel like if you ask what's wrong it may make it worse, at least that's what happened with Ena most of the time.
You are walking to the gym as you see the sign outside of the activity that week.
Soccer you read.
You smiled and looked back seeing Toya look up at the sign also. This made his face become in horror even more.
You get in the gym and sit down with Toya sitting next to you as your teacher leaves and the coach starts to explain the rules of soccer and why we are playing it.
It was the basic 'this will keep you healthy... blah blah whatever' we then started picking teams to play.
"Anybody want to be team leader?" The coach asks as I raise my hand and a girl from across the room does also. "Alright then we have our leaders. You two please come up and chose your teammates."
I stood up and walked in the front of everyone as the coached looked at me, telling me to go first.
"Toya" I say as he looks up at me with a shocked look. 
"Alright now, An it's your turn."
"Kohane!" She screams as her  new blonde startled teammate gets up and slowly walks over.
We continue picking teams until everyone is on one.
"Alright who doesn't like running?"
"Uh.. well I don't" Toya says as you look over to him slowly
"Okay, can you be our goal keeper?"
He nods his head in assurance but looked sorry for what was going to come.
Please bare with me I don't know how soccer works 😭
"Go! Score!" You yell as your teammate scores in the other goal.
We were winning and just scored, so it was now the other teams ball. The time was almost out, so they needed to play fast.
An does the first kick and runs off towards the goal. She gets past everyone, except Toya.
She kicks the ball in the goal, expecting the lazy boy to not move an inch. But then suddenly he stretched his hands as far out as he could, and his hand tips the ball, making it fall out of the goals path.

"We won!" I yell.
You run up to your goal keeper, along with everyone else, telling him he did great on the last ball, and then we all went back to the gym to leave.
Even though Toya was smiling and thanking everyone he turned away and seemed upset.
"Hey bro what's wrong?"
You look over to see him put his head down and swallow.
⚠️ warning for bruises ⚠️
"My fingers hurt from piano." Toya says as he puts out his hand and shows you his insanely bruised fingers, and hand. 
You didn't want to freak out, but you wanted to help him too.
⚠️ end of bruises ⚠️
"Uhh.... can I touch it?" You ask l awkwardly.
"Yes. I've grown numb to pains on my hand." He says bluntly.
You reach your hand out to his and lock your fingers together. You look at his face for reassurance that it didn't hurt, but all you saw the bloodshot red.
This made you chuckle a bit to yourself, but you drag him along.
"Hey! Where are we going?" Toya asked as he stumbled along
"The nurse." you respond quickly walking over to the gym teacher.
"Aoyagi hurt his hand. Is it okay if I bring him to the nurse?"
Your coach looks over, and nods in assurance as he sees the injuries.
As you were walking down the hallways you wanted to ask him about how it happened, because you were truley worried that he was getting hurt. "Soo.. how did this happen again?"
"Oh uh well..." he says stumbling over his words. "It's alright you don't have to tell me right now, I guess I was just a little worried."
You look up at the nurses door. 'Nurse out' you read.
"It should be alright to just grab some bandages since we really need them."
You say opening the door dragging your friend in.
"Just sit in the chair I can do everything."
You say as you let him go, turn around to start looking through the cabinets of different bandages and medicines looking for the correct one.
"Aha" I say grabbing the hand wrapping ones all the way in the back.
You stand next to Toya and his hurt hands, opening the bandages and leaning over to him.
You realized you were much taller, and he looked scared, so you decided to let him calm down first. You knew you shouldn't have asked what they were really from, because it seemed like it had effected him.
You sit down next to him and set down the bandages in hopes that he may see you less intimidating than others do. You look over at him to see a young yawning boy. You couldn't lie, you thought he was cute.
"You wanna lean on my while I fix up your hands?" The boy looks up, stunned, but decides to lay anyway because of the perfect head to shoulder height difference. He was also tired from being dragged around by Akito.
You pick up Toya hand and hold it for a moment, feeling his poor callused hands and wishing that whatever happened, he was okay.
You know this wasn't from soccer because to block the last ball he used his right hand. His hurting marks are on both hands, and some look like they have been healing for a while. All these thought going through your head while he just sleeps on your shoulder.
He's so cute I think to myself. Wait no! I shouldn't like him I should like someone like An..
"Are you Alright?" Toya says interupting your thoughts.
"Oh uh yeah! Let me just finish this hand."
"Look I can get up if you want me to." Toya says while scooting over
"No wait I thought you were cute when you laid!" You spill out.
Toya stares trying to process what you just said.
"Oh uh.. here just take the bandages and put them on please I'll be waiting in the class-"
"Can I lay on you again?" Toya says with some flush coming in on his cheeks.
"Are you sure? Your not weirded out or anything?" I ask trying to make sure he's not forcing himself.
"I'm sure. Now come sit and help me with these bandages." You smile from his persistence.
You sit down on the bench as he leans over and lays. You pick up his hand and start putting on the wrap for his fingers and hand.
"If you don't mind me asking.. how did this happen because I know five soccer goals couldn't."
Toya sighs and lays even harder than before.
"I play piano. It's really tough." He says bluntly.
"Ooo well if I ever come over you better show me!" You say trying to raise the mood.
You look down to see him chuckle from it.
At least he seems happy.
"Alright we're done! Let's go back to class now we are probably late." You state as you put the bandages back where they came from.
You turn to see Toya waiting at the open door holding his hand out.
You were confused at first, but when he put his head and hand down in shame you realized what he was doing. You ran up to him and grab his hand and closed the door behind you. "Sorry I zoned out haha" you say trying to lift the mood.
You turn to the side to see Toya finally smiling truly.
2252 words!! Sometime happened in the middle of this chapter but I swear the next ones won't be as long unless you guys like that! Please tell me if you like shorter or longer (sus) ones and I will write that and I am taking requests on what to write so just respond here and I don't feel like proof reading so if someone wants to tell me where mistakes are I'll fix them! Have a good day byeee

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