Chapter 1

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Magic. It's in all of us. It is just a matter if we can look deep enough to find it. Some find it on purpose, some find it on accident. Some find it with help and others are still looking for it. But this isn't the story of how other people found it, this is the story of how I found it.

It started out as any other ordinary day. Me waking up late and rushing around the house to get all my stuff. I had to grab the nearest thing and throw it on. I eat a quick breakfast , grab my lunch and kiss my mom goodbye. I rush out the door in hopes of making it to the bus stop on time.

I get there just as the last of the kids are getting on. I jump on before the bus driver, Mrs. Susie, can close the door and make me walk to school. As I get on the bus I hear the yelling of all the kids and see them all rough housing.

"School" I mutter to myself as my eyes scan all the people sitting down until I find my best friend Torie. I walk over to her, trying to avoid the flying bottle caps and the kids fighting. I finally make my way to the seat and sit down next to her.

"I see you woke up late again" she said smirking as she looked me over.

"Do you have a problem with that?" I teased.

"I guess not" she answered. We sit there in silence for a while, surrounded by the loud noises of the kids around us. We're about halfway there when Torie turns to me.

"Did you study for the Spanish final, because it's today."

"Kind of, not really though." I say faking a smile.

"Well then," Torie says "chop,chop get out your notes!"

We both pull out our notes and study even though we can barely hear each other over the loud bus chatter. By the time we get to school I feel well prepared for the test.

I am walking into first period Spanish when I feel a headache begin. Just nerves I think. I find my table which is on the far side of the room and sit down. I set my bag down and dig through it until I find a pencil.

Señora allen is handing out the tests and is explaining that if she catches anyone cheating they will be receiving a 0%. I am beginning my test when my headache begins to worsen. But I ignore it and continue on with my test. I answer the questions quickly and continue on to the next one without giving a second thought. I finish the test within a good 45 minutes to an hour. I go to turn it into Señora allen and the world seems to slow down a bit, but I keep walking. When I get to Señora allen desk and look her in the eye my head explodes with pain and my mind is jumbled and I am feeling dizzy. The last thing I see are Señora allen's ice blue eyes and the ground coming closer and closer. Then everything goes dark.

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