Chapter 8

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5 years ago, when I was 11, my Great Grandmother Adeline passed away, At least that's what we assume because she actually went missing. She went missing on November 20, she had called us only hours before asking if we wanted to visit. We drove the 10 minutes that it took to get to her house. But when we got there she wasn't anywhere to be seen. We searched the entire house,we called her cell phone even though she rarely carries it with her, and even if she does, the phone doesn't have any minutes on it. We called relatives and police. They searched the street, the neighborhood, the block, pretty much the whole town. We searched everywhere but she was no where to be found. So we finally gave up and assumed that she was dead. We set up the funeral for November 27th a week after she went missing. We picked out a spot for her head tomb. After her funeral we gathered at her house and read through her will. She was 85 and knew that her time was coming soon, but didn't realize how soon it really was. When we were going through her will I just sat on the couch with my hands folded in my lap as I stared at the floor. Silent tears slide down my face. It surprised me when I heard my name called. I wiped the tears from my face and looked up. My Uncle Greg continued on reading.

"To my granddaughter Lily I want you to have my star necklace. It was of great importance and meaning to me as I hope it is to you." He stopped reading and handed me a necklace. It had a silver chain and a blue charm on it that was the size of my thumb. The charm looked like the north star. I took the necklace from him and held it in my hand as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. I looked at it for a few second. Then I undid the clasp and put the necklace on. For a second I thought that it had flashed a bright blue. I blinked my eyes but it was nothing, just my mind playing tricks on me. All I could hear was Uncle Greg continuing down Grandma's will.

Sawyer was barely 2 years old but he still cried. "Where is Granny?" He would ask . But he was too little to understand that she had passed. But everyday he still asked where she was. After him asking the question for the millionth time that day I lost it.

"Grandma's gone Sawyer! OK? She is gone! stop bringing back pain! All you're doing is making it worse!" Then I realized what had just come out of my mouth and saw the tears well up in his little eyes. He sniffled and wiped his runny nose. I heard a shuffle. I turned my head to left to see my mom in the kitchen staring at me. Her eyes full of sympathy. I turned back to my brother to see his face streaked with tears.I kneeled down so I was his height. "I'm sorry Sawyer. I didn't mean it, I was just frustrated and sad and..." I trailed off. More tears started falling down his chubby little cheeks. That's was when I realized just how much he need his family, how much he needed me since Grandma died. I leaned in and gave him a hug. I felt his tiny little arms around my back. I stayed there for a few minutes. Then I stepped back and looked at him. I wiped the tears from his eyes. After that we were never the same, we were closer together we ever had been. And from that day on I wore the necklace every day, as a symbol of when me and my brother came closer together and as a symbol that I will always have my Grandmother with me.

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