002- Wishful Thinking

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"Why did you call all of us on your date?"

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Raheel sat down beside his dad, and excitedly laid out the papers of his plan on the coffee table,

"So this," he motioned with a grin on his face, "is how I think the interior can look like. We can have our signature interior design as we have in this branch, but Farris said we could modify it a bit in the new one. He has the expenses shortened and covered, and we also think the book and board game idea can be a hit. The library can be scattered around the place but also have similar genres nearby. Oh, and this part- we can have foosball here because that's what I used to love as a kid and it's something Arham's missing out on."

At his name being mentioned, Arham looked up hopefully, "Are we gonna fly and go somewhere again?!"

Raheel ruffled his brother's hair, "No, this is about the new cafe you're not allowed to come to until it's ready."

Omar looked up at his son's excitement, "I had no idea you wanted this so badly,"

Raheel rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I didn't at first, but then Farris told me that it was a good idea and that we can make this work, so I figured there's no harm in trying."

His father smiled at him, "So you and Farris will be doing this together?"

At the intentional stress on his name, Rahaf glanced up at her dad as she took a spoonful of her cereal, only to find him staring straight at her. She looked away, tucking her hair behind her ear and pretended not to hear the conversation. It was easy to zone them out of course, plus she was already employed at their OG bistro, she couldn't possibly leave the work-

"Yes, and Rahaf will help us too."

Rahaf choked on her cereal, "Sorry?"

Raheel and Omar turned to her, amused expressions on their faces as Nuha watched the exchange with deep interest,

"What are you sorry for?" Nuha feigned innocence

Rahaf glared at her, "What help will I be? You're anyway good at the marketing aspect. We need an interior designer, I can barely hold a pencil to draw. Besides, I'm a nutritionist and I have work here as it is. I don't see the point of my involvement."

At her absurdly long clarification, everyone exchanged amused glances while Arham sighed, face-palming himself,

"Farris bhai said he wanted you. I heard him tell bhaiya he really wants you to work with hi-"

A hand covered Arham's babbling mouth, and Rahaf gaped at Raheel, "Let him speak!"

Nuha giggled beside her and Rahaf knew her face was red.

Farris bhai said he wanted you.

she was surprised her stomach didn't growl with the way butterflies erupted inside her. Rahaf shook her head, what was she even thinking?

Arham squirmed under his older brother's grasp and freed himself, totally not enjoying being interrupted as he sprinted to his mother and hugged her legs,

"Mamma, Bhaiya is mean, he didn't let me finish. You always tell me to not inter...intro..."

"Interrupt." Nuha helped him

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