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{~ I truly wrote this one it was one of my class assiments and we had to explain how we would explain our selves and I did because people were bulling me that day so I wanted them to now how I felt~}

You ask me who I am? Well.... "I'm a life taker, I'm a heartbreaker." I say to you, a self-insecure, little girl that no one can take care if, I may look soft, able to be broken, but no, I am not. I'm stronger than you think. I may not be perfect, but I'm perfect to others.. My hands are strong, my heart is strong, and my life is strong, and you may not judge how I live it. You may say that I'm a sad, depressed girl, but no. I just take deep breaths and think if the good things life has in store for myself not wha you guys say I do. I may be loud but I love to be loud it's how I express myself and how my mind works. I live my life with insecurities and well, I don't care, I really don't.

I do have a cloud over my head every single day and I don't care, I love it. It shows you all that I have just fought too long with the bad guys. Little bully's want to play their little painful games. They hit people like me everyday, with their horrible hatful words. People think I'm mean but they don't see the real me. I do hate school, but not because of the boring lectures, it's the students, all they do is bring down my self-esteem. People don't see past my smile. Watch as my soul turns to stone. As this little bully, feeds me to these wolves. This misery you have caused, and your spitting in my face, had caused me to go into a miserable state of mind. Now, I want you to just get it over with, to put me to rest, end this beating, I just wanna sleep, so tight. But not now I want you to see that I'm not going to just crumble, and lie down and die, I'm going rise up against you. Though people say I'm-a-little-messed-up-girl, I'm not. I'm myself and you can't judge that.

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