Chapter 2 ~ Running

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"Hold onto something!"

The plane quickly descended as its wing was blown off from a missile. Lone held onto the flight control, trying to stabilize it. The ground became increasingly closer until it eventually slammed, scraping the bottom and causing it to tear apart.

He looked to his right, barely missing a shard of metal hit him. The plane rocked, flipping to the side, the cockpit ripping free of the hull. He tried to grab onto Sarah's arm but he couldn't as the right side had torn in half sending it away from him. All he heard was her screaming his name then nothing.

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Lone's eyes opened. He had landed away from the cockpit. Turning his head slightly, he saw puffs of smoke and what appeared to be flashing lights. 'Shit. I gotta find Sarah.' He thought to himself getting up and ignoring the pain flaring all over his body.

Three helicopters flew overhead. Their spotlights rapidly looked around the ground for anything alive. Lone had limped his way towards the other half of the cockpit. It had flown away towards a highway. He hoped Sarah would be okay and not badly injured.

His radio crackled, getting bits of other radio signals. "Find them. Shoot Lone on sight." He caught a stray signal. The sounds of sirens caught his attention. Seems like the fire department has finally gotten here. He took out his thermal scanner, trying to find her anywhere nearby. If she took off running, then she would be found by the scientists or mercenaries.

"Check everywhere. If they run, shoot on sight. Do not let them escape." A loudspeaker spoke.

"Psst." Lone looked around, pulling out his pistol, he scanned the area. Nothing. "Psst." Another sound. His scanner beeped as he looked up and saw a Blackhawk appear, its lights shining brightly on him. "Fuck." He let out. "Lonewolf,  you are under arrest for the destruction of Anchorage Pharmaceuticals. Do not resist or we will open fire."

Just then he saw her. She was hidden in the bushes. Only her green eyes he could see. Quickly he thought of an escape plan, to avoid the chopper and whoever else was coming. Minutes had passed when suddenly an explosion erupted behind the Blackhawk. "Open fi-" Bullets bounced hitting the metal.

Lone lunged to the side covering Sarah with his body as bullets flew. Stray rounds hit him, but he didn't flinch as he just needed to get her somewhere safe. He kept an eye out for an escape route. There, he picked her up and ran towards a fallen tree. Peeking out, he saw the chopper get hit by an RPG. It spun out of control, crashing into a cliff side. Lone ran towards some brush, the gunfight still going on. "Over there!" A gunshot echoed through the valley. Lone fell to his knees, he put his hand on his chest, blood covered it. "Go." He told Sarah. She shook her head, trying to drag him with her. Instead, he pushed her away. "Go. Run. I'll hold them off." He mumbled falling to the side. He pulled off his helmet giving it to her. "Go to these coordinates. There's a compass in there for you to find it." He pushed it into her hands. Still, Sarah did not budge. She tried all she could to drag him away. "They're down there! Take the experiment alive!" Again, Lone did his best to protect her from getting hit. "GO! GODDAMNIT! GO!" He shouted making her flinch. Helmet in hand, she turned and ran into the forest.

He pulled out his pistol, firing at the group until all he heard was clicks. 'fuck'. He saw the two Blackhawks escape, one was smoking badly, the other was covered in bullet holes. It was a wonder how it was still airborne. A truck pulled up to him, black figures exited along with two white clothed figures. "Well well well. You lot just managed to capture Lt. Lonewolf of the Phoenix Mercenary Group. Here's your cuts, now load him up." A voice said. "Bienvenu au Canada." He saw a boot then nothing.


As the group threw Lone into the truck, several silhouettes stood up on a cliff side ledge. "Target located. Tracker planted." A 2 millimeter dot was fired at the truck. "Lets go."

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