Chapter 3 ~ Evasion

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"His vitals are in the green. We just have to keep him monitored at all times due to the injuries he has." A muffled voice said. "We've already injected the remaining chemical compounds into his immune system 30 minutes ago. They should already be healing his internal wounds."

A heart monitor beeped. "He's about to wake up. Get the Site Manager." Lone's eyes fluttered open. "Sir." Slowly he moved his head towards the sound of footsteps. His eyes trying to block out the bright lights. "You were a great experiment. Failed but you did manage to beat all odds. You'll be placed back in the program as soon as you're healed." Lone glared. His hands balled into fists. "I will not be another one of your pet projects." He said. "Oh you will and you'll see what I have planned for you." The site manager chucked walking out the room.

** ** ** ** **

6 hours later…
"His injuries are all healed. Compound 636B is a success. Take him to his cell."

Lone walked through various hallways. He watched as people in white clothing tested on others that were strapped to tables. "Welcome to your new home E-32. Next test is in 30 minutes." The cell only had a bed and a table. A scan card was on the table. 'Use for Restroom Breaks. You only get 1 use every 3 days.'

Lone sat down on the bed. Flashes of him being back in the facility appeared in his mind. He tried to push those thoughts back, bury them deep into the void. He thought back to Sarah. He hoped she got to the coordinates and was taken away somewhere safe. As he sat there, he planned his escape from this hell. By then several guards opened the cell door. "E-32, come with us for your next test." He knew what would happen if he resisted, so he went with them.

He walked back through long hallways. His eyes darted around, trying to find any routes of escape. The guards lead him to heavy set of doors. 'Main Testing Room'  appeared in bold. The doors opened, suddenly an explosion shook the building. The facility speaker alarmed everyone. "Wings F6 through F9 have been breached. Get all subjects to emergency hatches immediately."

Lone took the advantage of the guards distraction to swipe a stun baton. He turned it on, slamming it into a guard's helmet. His hand pushed forcefully into another's stomach, breaking the armor. The others tried to immobilize Lone, but were held back. Within moments, the other three were down. The last final one surrendered. "I admire your courage. But I'm not giving you mercy." He told the last and snapped his neck.

Lone walked away from the door. Gunfire and alarms filled the hallways. He was looking for the Site Manager's office. He had some 'questions' to ask him. "The facility is gone. Proceed to Protocol 46." He stopped. They're going to level the facility. He dropped the baton and ran towards the gunfire.

He turned a corner coming face to face with the attackers. They executed guards, leaving the subjects alive to escape. "Target found." One said, removing their mask. Lone sighed in relief at who it was. "Delta. It's so good to see you. I'm surprised you even managed to locate this facility. I trust the others managed to pick up Sarah?" Delta nodded. He motioned for Lone to follow. "Yes. We picked her up at the RV point. She's back at base. A recon team was sent to get you but saw that you were captured. We waited for their guards to lessen before breaking you and any other subjects out."

"I need to get to the Site Manager before he leaves this place. I know by now, he'll be taking his escape via plane." Lone told Delta. "We know that. We have pinpointed a large object waiting to takeoff. If we leave now, the cleanup crew will take care of everyt-" "No. The facility is going to be leveled. Protocol 46 is for the higher-ups to wipe all data here and for it's destruction." Delta put his mask back on. "All right everyone. Get the escapees out of here and back to base. Lonewolf and I are heading out." He shouted.

Lone and Delta got inside a parked Humvee. "Lone, recon has new information on the plane." He turned on the vehicle and sped off. "The plane is loading up cargo. Some of which look to be of high interest. There's this other crate, which looks like it's protected by an electric barrier. Whatever they have inside it, they don't want anyone else to find out. When you get inside, try to find out what it is and download the information on it."

The Humvee rammed past roadblocks. "Delta, I need you to get on the gun. Provide suppressive fire." He opened the hatch then started firing at the soldiers. "Hold on." Lone said, increasing the speed to maximum. The plane came into view, it was about to take off. Delta turned and fired at it's cargo lift. The ramp fell open, revealing soldiers aiming their guns. The Humvee drove closer until the soldiers fired. Delta returned fire. Bullets being exchanged. "Take the wheel." Most of the soldiers were either dead or injured, Lone crawled into the hood of the vehicle. "Get me closer." As soon as it drove up the ramp slightly, he jumped, grabbing onto a handhold. The plane tilted up. The Humvee sliding off, falling back onto the pavement below.

Lone was hanging onto a handhold. The plane quickly ascended, he slowly crawled up the ramp. As he reached the interior he saw cargo boxes held down and the large crate in the middle. "I'm coming for you." Lone said, picking up a rifle. He checked the mag and sure enough there was some ammo in it. The other weapons flew out as he was crawling up.

Slowly he walked through the corridors, looking around for any other soldiers to appear. The plane was empty. He came across the crate. It was covered in Confidential markings. A small symbol caught his attention, it resembled a shield with claw marks going through it. His hands broke through the wood easily, the small opening revealed a name, Harrier. He decided against opening it, since it could be a trap.

Lone finally found the door to the cockpit. Breathing in and out, he kicked open the door firing three shots at the pilot. The co-pilot was about to shoot, but was shot once. The Site Manager fumbling to take out his personal sidearm. "You're not going to do anything with that." He said ripping the pistol away and throwing it out into the cargo bay. "I have some questions for you."

"I'm not answering shit from a failed subject." The Site Manager retorted. "What a shame." Lone replied. He grabbed his wrist, twisting until it snapped. "Now. Answer me or I'll break more bones until you are nothing but a slab of flesh." He threatened. "Fine. What do you want?" Lone patted him. The co-pilot was about to pass out from blood loss. "You. Here. Keep flying. Do anything stupid and I'll make it a slow death for you." The pilot nodded. He opened the kit to wrap his wounds.

"Now for you. What are the programs for?" Lone asked. "They're used to increase the speed of human evolution. You were part of that." Lone thought to himself at the answer. "Are there more facilities?" The Site Manager laughed. "Of course there is. You can kill me, but I'm not telling you." As he finished the sound of metal clanging made Lone look down to see a pin. "Times up." He held a grenade in his hands. Lone barely had time to shove the Site Manager towards the cockpit. "What the f-"

An explosion pushed Lone to the floor. Reacting quickly, he grabbed hold of the railing outside the cockpit. Using all his strength he pulled himself up. The cargo bay decompressed, but the gravity was fluctuating. He landed on the metal floor. The plane was going down and was going to hit the ground at anytime. Lone ran towards the crates, he cut the supports letting them slide towards the ramp. He got to the edge, seeing green as far as the eye could see. "I hope these things work." He mumbled to himself jumping out. Immediately deploying his parachute he had taken from the emergency decompression cabinet.

He could see the plane rapidly descending, eventually landing among trees. Minutes had passed when he finally landed. Taking off his backpack, he found his tracker. It activated when he deployed his chute.

"Hmm. Nearest crate landed somewhere over here." Lone walked in the direction of the crate. It would take a couple hours for a rescue team to reach his location, wherever that is.

** ** ** ** **

Lone sat on top of an open crate watching a Huey land in a field. "Well that was the most spectacular firework show I've ever seen. That facility was leveled as soon as you took off. I have several teams out to get the other crates. Now shall we leave this place?" Delta asked opening the doors. Lone nodded getting in. He's finally going back to base after so many years.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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