Heir meet the Knight

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The stocks are the worst place to be. People throw rotten fruit right at your face and then you end up smelling like said fruit for the next week and a half. Its just not the best experience in the world. That just so happens to be where I am, at the moment. I swear it was an accident. I did not mean to knock the red-eyed prince flat on his ass using magic. Okay maybe I did a little bit, but he's overreacting! You can't just throw someone in the stocks because you couldn't keep your footing with a bucket on your foot. Well him being the Prince, then yeah I guess he can. He deserved it though! He was picking on a young page and I didn't just want to stand by and let that happen so I stopped him. Not the brightest thing that I've ever done but it certainly wasn't the dumbest. That was when my sister, Jade and I were goofing off and I decided it would be great to see how the entire Kingdom of Prospit would look when no one had their left shoe. But that's a story for another time.

After a few hours of standing in the stocks while my "fans" threw fruit at my head, I was finally being released. My caretaker for while I was here in Derse had been able to convince the King to be lenient on my punishment since I was "young" and "prone to dumb ideas".

I trudged through the darkening, crowded streets. The scenery here on Derse seemed to have a recurring color scheme of dark purple the same way that Prospit had gold. It wasn't hard to get lost in your thoughts when it's too dark to look at anything interesting that might be around. I found myself thinking about the Prince's panicked face as he fell backwards into a fruit stall. Honestly, it was priceless to see his confused face when I actually bested him in a fight. It wasn't long before I reached the small cottage where I would be staying while I was here. It may have been small but it was cozy and had everything that we needed. It was a bit cluttered with books on a whole bunch of different subjects. Yet, somehow, my guardian always knew exactly where everything was. Probably magic if I'm being honest with myself.

"Ow! That's one hell of a welcome back." I shrieked as I was hit upside the head by my guardian.

"It's your second day in Derse and in my care and you've already challenged the youngest Prince to a duel and used magic, that is prohibited, against him in order to win. Gadzooks boy! At this rate you'll be burned by the end of the week."

"No one saw that I used magic, Jake. Everything's fine, and I doubt the Prince would be able to tell when magic is used against him."

"You don't give the royal family enough credit. I know them personally and have for many years, and I can honestly say that they are some of the most intelligent people I have ever met." He'd been working for the royal family for the last 5 years as their medical adviser of sorts.

"Are you sure that trait didn't skip over the youngest? I've heard about that happening."

"John." He warned giving me a glare that was like having a bow and arrow aimed at you.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry and it won't happen again." I held my hands up in mock surrender which caused Jake to roll his eyes and me to laugh.

"Come on. Get that rotten fruit out of your hair." He chuckled motioning to a tub of fresh water. I leaned over it and began picking out the chunks of fruit and tossing them into a separate tub and rinsing the juice out of my hair. "Dinner is on the table when you're ready. I've already eaten so don't worry about me." He finished climbing the ladder to a loft area that he'd claimed as his study. I did as I was told and soon enough tiredness slapped me across the face with a fish and I was asleep.

 It was dark. Not the same comforting dark of your bedroom after everyone had went to sleep but there would still be warm light streaming through your window that comforted you. It was the kind of dark that seemed suffocating and made you believe that everything you've ever been told about monsters not being real was complete bull. A sudden light stopped you from thinking about what lurked in the dark for to long. The bright blue light split into two. One gold and the other purple, it took the shape of what looked like two young men. The gold boy knelled down as if he were pledging his allegiance to the purple boy. The gold boy then stood and faced him as an equal looking into the purple boy's eyes and not down at the ground like any other servant would have. As suddenly as the light had came in the first place, the scene switched. It depicted the boy in gold once again only he was facing the boy in purple and it almost looked as if they were laughing with each other. The scene switched again. The lights were on what seemed to be a battlefield. Both sides of the battle charged each other and all at once everything became red.

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