Heir: Become a manservant

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(A/N Okay so I am so sorry for just kind of leaving this hanging for so long but I will try to update more now that it's Summer! I am also thinking about doing one of the thirty day challenge things, so if you would can you guys please comment and tell me which pairing I should do? I have too many ships to choose from honestly :P Well enjoy this update! Don't forget to comment and heart this!)

John woke up with a start and quickly sat up, maybe a bit too quickly because his vision just got blurry. "Holy hell," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He looked around, trying to determine what time it was; there was a small bit of light that was streaming in the window so it must be around 6. He stretched his arms above his head and got out of bed to stretch his legs. 

"Jake? Have you left already or are you still sleeping?" He called into the small house. Jake grumbled from underneath this blanket. You'd expect him to be a morning person with how cheerful he usually is but mornings aren't really his forte.

"I'll take that as you are still sleeping." John chuckled and went to cut him and Jake each a slice of bread as well as some fruit. 

Jake was awake a few moments later and nearly looked like the walking dead with how his hair was cast over his face and the way he was shuffling his feet over the floor. He sat down and slumped his head against the small table that his food sat on. "Do I have to go to work today?" He mumbled.

"Probably. It's kind of necessary, so that you know we can eat and live." John replied. He was the opposite of Jake in the morning and actually quite liked the feeling of having a completely new day ahead of him. 

"Ugh, yeah I know." He lifted his head and grabbed an apple and bit into it, just as there was a knock on the door, Jake looked over at John confusedly, "Expecting someone?"

John shook his head and Jake got and attempted to tame his hair a little bit before answering the door. He opened the door and was faced with a man that was a bit taller than him in a purple, royal looking, outfit. He had blonde hair and pale skin with a pair of stunning orange eyes. Jake instantly recognized him as the oldest prince. The royal was always given a manservant or a maid at the age of 13. Jake just happened to be this prince's manservant, and has been for about 5 years now. "M-morning Your Highness. What brings you here today?" Jake asked.

"Jake. I have told you multiple times that I prefer when you call me Dirk. We've been friends for five years, I think it's time to drop the "Highness"." Dirk said raising an eyebrow.

"R-right, Dirk." Jake blushed, embarrassed to have forgotten.

Dirk clapped him on the shoulder. "That's better." Dirk gave him a small smile to reassure Jake that he wasn't angry. "Anyway I need to speak to your cousin here about what happened yesterday." Dirk turned his gaze away from Jake and to John.

John's heart was racing and his stomach dropped, this was not supposed to happen. They were not supposed to have found out about his magic, at least not this quickly. 

"I-I uh um-" He stuttered trying to find something to say.

"Dave has actually taken quite the liking to your wit, and even your bravery for calling him out on being a prat," Dirk said walking over to John and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at him, "And since his old manservant just quit, he's requested for you to be his manservant."

'What?' John thought to himself, he must have looked confused since Dirk continued to speak.

"Yeah, I was surprised as well until he gave a few reasons. You don't have to be but I have to say that we are fairly good payers and I've been told that you need a job." Dirk finished.

John shot a glare in Jake's direction but it went unnoticed due to the fact that Jake had his back turned and was getting dressed.

"I guess that I could try it? I won't be killed if I quit, right?"

"I don't think Dave would let you get killed." Dirk said blatantly before calling over to Jake and telling him to bring me with him to work so that I could 'get to know' Dave.

It didn't take long for them to both get ready and soon they were out of the door and headed to the palace that was placed close to the back of the area of the kingdom. The palace was huge and both Derse and Prospit had the castle's back against a large mountain that deterred enemies and made both kingdoms the safest in the entire land of Skaia. It's a bit confusing. Before Derse or Prospit there was a huge kingdom where everyone dwelled but during a Civil War the kingdom was split into Derse and Prospit, which is why the kingdoms tend to be at odds with each other. Skaia was abandoned but still stands, though it is prohibited and neither Dersites or Prosptians can go there without explicit permission from both of the kingdom's rulers.

John was led by Jake into the castle and through multitudes of corridors before they stopped at one of the doors and knocked. Dirk quickly opened the door and moved out of the way to reveal a room that had a few seats for Dave and John to properly meet. "Please be nice." Jake hissed in John's ear. John nodded and went to sit across from the person he'd picked a fight with just yesterday.  

"Sorry about what happened yesterday, Sire." John said looking down at his feet nervously.

"Don't worry about it, I was being a bit of an ass to that Page." Dave admitted looking over at John with as good of posture as he could, he was trying to be more proper.

John looked up at him and smiled brightly over at Dave.

'Oh fuck.' Was the only thought that went through Dave's mind as his stomach flopped at seeing that goofy grin on John's pale face.

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