Ep: 7 The Kingdom

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We meet in a chamber, where we see knights speaking with The Finder, The Finder goes, "That's the information I have found, I hope your Forever King likes it" One of the knights begin to look through the folder and says, "It will do, for now" The one wearing a gold mask says, "Now tell me, how did you track them?" The Finder then says, "Oh I never told yall, oops completely slipped my mind, the Orb I sold you, it held a energy burn, that I could retarce the energy waves, and I wait for the person to use the alien tech, and boom can pinpoint them" The knights looked at each other, and the gold mask one says, "Finder, give us that tracking, NOW" The Finder says, "Yeah sure, that will be 50,00-" The Finder stops, as a knight broke one of the walls with ease, and they said, "I will do that to your face, if you don't stop with the money thing" The finder then thought for a moment and said, "So alright this is how you track them"
Dylan, Jake, and Kai are sitting in a diner ordering food, when they get to talking. Kai goes, "So what will we do, after the road trip?" Jake and Dylan shrug their shoulders, and Dylan says, "Welp, help out in the city we live in" Jake then says, "Dylan the most crime that happens in that city is kids overcharging lemonade" Dylan goes, "Are you still salty about that kid overcharging a lot for what they called lemonade, but was actually water with yellow food coloring?" Jake says, "NO, well maybe" Kai goes, "So that's a yes" Dylan then says, "Listen, I only have one fast flyer" Jake then says, "Well, you don't even know what your 10th transformation even is tho" Kai goes, "Yeah, maybe it's really fast or something" Dylan shrugged his shoulders, "Well I have tried multiple times, but I haven't turned into that one, no matter how many times I select that one" The waiter comes over and says, "Sorry for the wait, your food is almost done" After an hour of the trio getting their food, and then paying the bill, they go to the minivan, and Kai says, "Welp that food was delicious, but we should get some sleep" Jake then says, "Yeah because tomorrow we go to a fair!" Dylan's eyes begin to feel heavy as he says, "Yeah I am very tired" The trio head to the motel, and draw sticks, and Dylan grabs the short one, and says, "WHY DO I ALWAYS DRAW THE SHORT ONE?!" Dylan then passes out on the floor, and Kai goes, "So how long do you think it will be, till he realizes the thing is rigged?" Jake goes, "Don't know, besides, he doesn't seem to fully mind" As everyone went to sleep we see the knights again, in a room, in a castle, preparing tech, one of the knights go, "So how will we stop this person, if they are able to transform into aliens, and have two others helping him out?" The one in charge of the room goes, "We are the forever knights, we will take him down, whoever is with him." A person walks into the room, and says, "Besides, I want to pick a fight with the one who uses the sword" The knights begin to bow and say, "Hello Princess Grazel, how may we serve you?" She then says, "Finish with the room, and tell me when you know their location, I want to prove to that person they call Kai, that I am the best sword user on this planet" The knights go, "Yes Princess"
After a few hours, Dylan awakes on the floor, he looks around seeing Jake and Kai still passed out on the beds, so he decides to leave the room, and look around. He walks by a tv in a window but when he was about to walk away he hears, "These creatures might be a person?" His interest peaked, as he walked back a few steps, and looked at the TV, it was a news person going, "So we have concluded a theory that these strange sightings on these monsters or aliens, are actually a person, we have seen this person transform into other things, like a big tiger into a battery creature, and they are not alone, they appear to have a team, someone who uses a cannon on their arm, and someone who uses a sword. We have no idea what side they are on, but one thing for sure, they are powerful." Dylan was about to walk away till one more thing was said, it said, "And a promise to the people who are the ones behind those disguises and transformation things, one day we will find out who you truly are." Dylan rolled his eyes, and walked more forward, till he is hit with a wonderful smell, he walks around and finds a pie bakery, and he walks in and the person at the front says, "Wow, perfect timing, we just opened" Dylan then goes, "Yeah, I was walking and that smell was so good" The person then says, "Yep, that is out specialty, we make amazing pies" Dylan then looks at the menu, and orders a pie slice. He walks over to a table and takes a bite, he enjoys the pie, after he finishes he walked out, and was planning to come back later so Kai and Jake could try some, but when walking maybe 10 feet from the door, he looked back to see what appears to be a man in a ski mask with gun, about to hold up that place, Dylan got lucky that the person didn't see him. Dylan dashed to the alleyway, and pressed a button, and said, "Come on, I need Big Chill, please" Dylan hit the watch and turned into Big Chill. Big Chill goes, "YES, thank you watch" Big Chill went through the wall and saw the person who gave him the pie getting threatened, the robber says, "PUT ALL THE MONEY IN THE BAG, AND NO ONE WILL GET HURT, AND THROW IN A PIE OR 2!!" Big Chill began to freeze the robber's hand, startling both the robber and the person. Big Chill became whole and landed a punch to the robber knocking him out *cold*. Big Chill then left, but while that was happening, when Dylan had used the watch the knights picked up his location, and were about to move out to where he was, also calling in the Princess. Dylan gets back to the room, and sees Jake is awake looking at his laptop and Kai was still waking up on the bed, Jake then asks, "So where were you?" Dylan then says, "Well when I got up, I decided to take a walk, I saw a tv with the news on it, and they are taking note that a person is transforming into these *creature* they say, or aliens they say. They also mentioned that the person isn't alone and has teammates. I then walked a bit more, and was hit with a wonderful smell, and found an amazing pie bakery. Then after having a slice, after I left, someone tried to hold up the place, so I went to Big Chill and defeated them." Kai in a tired voice says, "So nothing out of the normal?" Dylan says, "Not really, but I really want y'all to try that pie" Jake got ready, and so did Kai, they took all their stuff out of the motel, checked out, and headed to the pie place. When they got there they saw police, and they were just leaving, lucky the place was still open. The trio head inside and the person at the counter recognized Dylan, and said, "Oh your back, and I see you brought your friends" Dylan goes "Yep, what was with the police?" The person then explained that a person tried to rob the place but one of the creatures from the news appeared and saved their life and the store, and how the police were called to arrest the person, and that the store had to stay open. The trio ordered their pie, and tipped the person a bit extra, but while they sat and ate their pie, the knights were getting closer. As they left and made their way back to the minivan, Jake pointed something out, and Kai and Dylan looked at the road and saw multiple cars fastly approaching where they are, Kai then says, "Everyone get in the minivan" They all hop in and began to drive, but the cars kept following them, Dylan was driving, Jake and Kai were looking at the vehilves, and Kai saw a strange symbol on the car, and described it to Jake and Dylan, but they didn't have a clue what it was. Suddenly shots began to fire towards them, and Dylan drove the minivan off road, to try and lose them. They tried moving a bit more forward but the minivan got stuck in the mud, they got out, and then they saw the cars stop in front of them, and they then saw several people in armor step out, and for someone with strange different armor step out. The one in different armor says, "We are the forever knights, and I am Princess Grazel, the greatest sword user. Buy the authority of the forever knights, you will give us the level 20 alien tech." Dylan, Jake, and Kai gave a confused look, and then Grazel says, "The watch" The trio then goes, "OOOh, err, no" Grazel said with a chuckle, "Hoping you were going to say that, KNIGHTS ATTACK!!" Dylan activated the watch and turned into Buzzshock, and began to attack the knights, giving time for Jake and Kai to weapon up, as soon as kai got her sword and armor ready, the princess came charging, while says, "Leave this want to be sword master want to be for me" Grazel began to slash her blade all around Kai trying to land a hit while Kai kept trying to block her hits. Jake begins to fire off attacks at the knights trying to charge him, while they began to fire shots at him, while Buzzshock was releasing electric attacks at the knights, while Kai and Grazel were fighting, Kai slipped on some mud, making her lose her balance, allowing Grazel to have an opening, she landed a hit, but she hit where Kai had armor, then she got shocked, and we see Buzzshock on her back giving her a small shock, she slumps a bit to the ground, where Buzzshock, Kai, and Jake regroup up, and one of the knights says, "Princess, should we call for backup?" She then says, "No, I got what we needed, lets go" The knights help her to the cra, and drive off. Buzzshock says, "Wait, I thought they wanted the watch, what did they need" Jake then realizes, "They wanted to see what we were cable of" Kai then heard something, and all of the sudden a big rubber goop attack launched at Buzzshock, and then at Jake and Kai, they then see the Princess go, "Wow, can't believe they didn't expect that, grab the battery looking one, we can let these two just be here to die" The knights grabbed the rubber ball that had Buzzshock, and put him on a helicopter. Grazel walks over to Kai and says, "See, I am a better sword user than you" Grazel then gets in the helicopter and leaves. Jake says, "KAI, are you okay?" Kai then says, "I don't know, we should have seen that coming, it was an obvious trick, but we got blind sighted, and now we are trapped" Jake then says, "Trapped? Kai I still have my blaster" Kai then realizes what he meant and says, "Of course, they don't know what your attacks fully are, they were launching rubber at this, so Dylan, well more or less Buzzshock couldn't escape, since it's made out of rubber." Jake begins to blast, freeing himself, and runs over to Kai and does the same. Kai then goes, "Jake, I can still see the helicopter from here, do you think your visor can track it?" Jake says, "Err, I don't know about tracking, but maybe a good estimate on where they are heading?" Jake looked at the helicopter and thought of an idea, after he scanned the helicopter he narrowed down the possible locations it's going to land, by also putting in nearest castles. Jake then activates a way to both track it, in a way of estimates, while telling Kai where to drive, just in case Dylan figures out a way to escape. Speaking of which, Buzzshock was struggling in the rubber, and he began to hear the beeping sound from the watch, and then he turned back into Dylan, Grazel looked at him and said, "So you must be Dylan, if I am not mistaken?" Dylan was struggling to move his hands and stayed quiet. Grazel then says, "So you want to play like that huh, well Dylan I am going to give you your best case scenario, you should join the forever knights, and help us conquer Earth, and you will get me" As she got close to Dylan, Dylan slowly moved away from her, and says, "Firstly, I protect others, I don't conquer, and secondly, I am not ready for love, escapilly with a crazed psycho" Grazel then punched Dylan in the nose causing it to start bleeding and says in a angrily voice, "When we land, we will force you to give us that device" She blew another punch, but to the side of his face. Dylan then realized his right hand was moving freely, and he used his hand to slowly dig to his other, till he felt the watch, he dug around it, and found the button, and hit it, then when it made a noise, the others heard it and said "what was that?" Dylan then proceeded to shrug his shoulders, as he thought, "Please not greymatter" over and over, he then struggled to move hand a bit up, but got his finger to push down on it, turning him to Upgrade. The Knights and Grazel saw him transform, and tried to stop him, but they were shooting rubber at moving slime like matter, and then Grazel then proceed to launch another punch to Upgrade forcing him onto the wall, and he said, "Oh, you just messed up" As he began to spread around the helicopter, and Jake and Kai saw from the minivan the helicopter changing and said, "Dylan went Upgrade" The knights began to attack the walls but then upgrade forced the metal to begin to form around them, trapping them. Upgrade then landed the helicopter as the minivan pulled up Upgrade left the helicopter, leaving Grazel and the knights trapped, Upgrade then heard Grazel scream out, "DON"T FORGET WHAT YOU MISSED OUT ON!" Kai questioned what happened and Upgrade after turning back to Dylan says, "She wanted me to become a forever knight and help conquer, and also get her, if you know what I mean, but I refused on both of them, and really refused on the second one" Jake then says, "Did it remind you of your first crush in High School, who really broke your heart?" Dylan then said, "Yep it did, but after I called her a psycho she punched me in the nose, and on the side of my face" Kai then looked at the punch marks and told Dylan, "Dylan we need to get you stitches" Dylan says, "Yes please" They all got in the Minivan and left and after 3 minutes after they left a few cars roll up to the helicopter, with knights in them, and they run to the helicopter and freed the Knights and Grazel, and they left as well.
Grazel makes her way to the throne room and says, "I am sorry father" The person in the shadows says, "You do not have to apologize to me daughter, it was the knights who messed up not you" She then goes, "I tried to tempt him to join our cause father, I even tried to let him have me, but he refused and called me a psycho" The mysterious person then says, "Daughter, I don't know why anyone would reject you, you are the prettiest jewels on the crown, and I will make him suffer for calling you a psycho" She then gets up and says, "If anything, I want that sword wielding women to feel my full wrath of my blade" The person says, "Of course my princess" She then says "Thank you father" All of the sudden a door opens up and someone says, "You see I told you he is a hard one to catch" The person goes, "Finder, you better have a good excuse for disturbing me and my daughter" The Finder then says, "Well I do, I was looking at some old things and found a legendary weapon myth, and what better way to prove your daughter is the greatest user of the blade, then to have her wield this so called legandy weapon" The person thought for a moment and says, "Begin search for this weapon" The Finder then says, "It will take a bit, till we find the location" Grazel then says, "Well I don't care how long it takes, I want to wipe those smug looks off of those threes face with that weapon" The person says, "Finder use faction 5 to begin searching" The Finder says, "What ever you want Forever King"
Meanwhile up in space. Vilgax, "ARE THE BOUNTY HUNTERS READY?!" The minion who was putting more genetic changer crabs into the tank says, "They should be done figuring out training soon" Vilgax says, "Good, soon the omnitrix wielder and their friends will feel the full wrath of the best Bounty hunters in there galaxies" Vilgax begins to laugh a way and then says to the minion, "What percentage is my regeneration tank at?!" The minion says, "You should be done regenerating, custom modifications to yourself in about 1-2 weeks Earths time" Vilgax narrowed his eyes and says "If the bounty hunters fail, this human will face me" End of Season 1 Episode 7

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