Ep:8 The Bounty

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Up in space, a spaceship orbits outside of Earth's tech viewing, on it we see 3 bounty hunters training on robots and drones. After they each defeat a modified one, we hear Vilgax say, "Good, good, now that you have defeat drones that are meant to defeat the one who wields the omnitrix, you should know that they were still able to easily defeat 10 of them, with the help of their allies, so now I want to tell you this, whoever gets the omnitrix and gives it to me, will be paid heavily" SixSix then goes, "iedfhbfuhfiurgdfrgogrfroogrf, (And why can't you do it yourself?)" Kraab then says, "Yeah, you are the so-called Mighty Conquer Vilgax, so why can't you just go down there and take yourself?" Vilgax then says, "I would but my regeneration is at 80%" The bounty hunters look at each other and then Vilgax says, "Remember, whoever gets the omnitrix will paid heavily and if you don't try and betray me, I will throw in a taydenite shard in there. Go down to Earth and wait till the omnitrix is active so you could track it" The bounty hunters look at each other and teleport out, however the last one stayed an extra moment before teleporting. The 3 bounty hunters were each on their own ship heading to Earth waiting for when the omnitrix will go active.

Dylan, Jake, and Kai are in the middle of a big open plains, Jakes says, "Gauntlet set to stun" Kai then says, "Rubber over the edges" Dylan then says, "Remember this is only training, both hold back, and show us what you got" Dylan pressed the small button and says, "We only stop till a winner is either decide or someone gets hurt, got it?" Kai and Jake then nod, and get ready. Dylan set the watch to Upgrade, and became Upgrade, and then said, "NOW!" Kai was the first to go attack Upgrade, Jake then begin to blast at Kai, she trying to dodge around them, Jake then tried blasting at Upgrade but then Upgrade began to shoot out a laser and says, "Didn't know I could do that" Upgrade then charges at Jake and then goes into his arm cannon, changing it, and upgrading it, turning it into a gauntlet cannon. Jake tried to rip Upgrade out of his arm cannon, but Upgrade then began to slap Jake in the face and says, "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself" Kai comes in down with her swordstricking at the gauntlet, but it only stopped her blade, and began to shake, Kai then let go of the sword, and tried a more fist approach and began to punch the gauntlet, actually beginning to knock Upgrade out of the arm cannon, slowly turning it back. When Upgrade was fully out of the Arm Cannon, Jake began to blast Upgrade and then Kai, Upgrade then saw an opportunity and zoomed into Kai's sword, turning it more powerful, and cut one of Jake's blast in half, Upgrade then came out of the sword and said, "Alright, I think that's enough for today" Jake goes, "Aw man, I was about to break a sweat" Kai then goes, "So why are we stopping early today?" Upgrade then turns back into Dylan and says, "Well, it seems, when we hold back, we are in a equal match, and I don't feel like being here for an entire day fighting each other" Kai and Jake nod in agreement, Dylan then says, "But hey that was some good training, now let's get a move on" The trio would then put their equipment away, and got out of the area, and it was good timing as well, as the bounty hunters have arrived to the location.
Kraab goes, "We must have missed them" SixSix goes, "gjlkngngooghojgrtdsgonogjsrng (We need the person to stay longer transform and to stay in one area see I can get the reward)" Kraab goes, "You get the reward, I will get the reward, while all you get is nothing but dust." While Kraab and SixSix were about to go into a fight, Tetrax was looking around, and found a shard of metal that held some Galvanic Mechamorph. Tetrax teleported back to his ship, as SixSix and Kraab were fighting, and when they saw him leave, they left as well.

Meanwhile, Jake was driving, Kai was in the passenger side, messing around with Jake's laptop, and Dylan was in the back just watching his watch, and he did wonder, "What is the actual name of this thing?" His thinking was interrupted when Jake came to a complete stop, Dylan goes, "What happened?" Kai goes, "Yeah?" Jake then gave them a look and pointed forward, to which they looked and saw a big boulder blocking the road. Jake then says, "Alright have to reroute to a different road" As he pulled out the map, but Dylan then said, "Nah, let me handle it" Dylan then proceeded to hop out of the minivan, and activated the watch, and turned into Diamondhead, notifying all the bounty hunters. DiamondHead turned his arms into blades and slashed into the boulder, making it go in half, and then quarters, and then picked each of them up and threw them over the mountain's edge, and shot them with explosive crystals, turning them into harmless ruble. Tetrax watched from a far on his hoverboard, saw how the person used that alien species, then he saw Kraab running over getting ready to attack. Diamondhead went, "Alright I got the boulder out of you way, now can we-" He is then cut off by, "You there, give me the omnitrix, and I might spare you" A punch was landed on him, and when Kraab went for anther, he got his claw right on Diamondheads right arm, Diamondhead then said, "So you want to fight huh. also what's an omnitrix?" He turns his hand into a crystal mace and began to attack him, Kraab then says, "You have had the watch perhaps maybe for a month now, and yet you never knew the name, you are unfit to wear it" Kraab then gets his big claw right at the chest of Diamondhead, and said, "Soon I will make a fortune when I turn in this bounty" Diamondhead chuckled and said, "You know, I'm not alone" He then suddenly felt something pierce his arm, and then a blast, he turned around and saw someone wielding a sword and a arm blaster. Diamondhead then went in for the punch , then he used his crystals to form around, his claws to make like cuffs, when Diamondhead was about to say something he is then tackled by someone flying at high speed, it was a magenta looking android, it then released sonic waves into Diamondhead, beginning to crack him, Diamondhead then freed one of his arms, and reached towards the watch, trying to press it, and turned into Ghostfreak. Ghostfreak went to Ghost and escaped SixSix, and went back to his friends and said, "We need to get out of here" Ghostfreak begins to hear whispers, he asked, "Do yall hear that?" Kai and Jake gave Dylan a confused look and said, "No Dylan, we don't hear anything." Ghostfreak began to hear, "LET ME OUT" over and over, Ghostfreak then hit the watch turning back into Dylan and said, "Something about that alien, but these bounty hunters are after the moni, omni, Monitrix, Omnitrix, that's what it is called" Jake took a peek at the map and said, "Well we can't fight them here, but there is a abandoned town nearby" Kai who was already in the driver's seat honked the horn and said, "Come on let's go then" Dylan hop in the back seat, and Jake did the same one the passenger side, while Tetrax just watched. Tetrax then begin to think, "This human has an understanding of the omnitrix to a level that he could hold his own, and can work with others" Tetrax then looks at a tablet and looked through Earth events, and saw all creatures with the omnitrix symbol, and after it showed all of the creatures helping out, Tetrax made up his mind, he jumped on his hoverboard and began to fly to them. Kai parked the car in the abandoned town, and the group got out of the minivan. Jake got an idea, and said, "Ok, I think they are tracking the omnitrix like how The Finder did, and the forever knights did, so when you activate it, they can track it" Dylan got a understanding on what Jake was going with, and Kai figured it out as well, Jake was about to say something, but they heard another voice, "Don't expect a trap to work, they saw what direction you were heading" The trio turned around and saw a big robot looking thing, Dylan said, "If we can hold our own against your friends then we can-" The creature then said, "Hold you fire, I am on your side" Tetrax pressed something and his helmet went down, Jake then said, "Your a Diamondhead?" Tetrax then said, "No I am a Petrosapien, the last of my kind. And I am here to help." Kai then said, "Prove it, how do we know you're not lying just to get the omni thing" Tetrax then said, "It's called the Omnitrix, a device capable of turning a user into other creatures. And I can tell you who sent me, the other bounty hunters and the drones/robots." Dylan, who was curious, asked, "Who?" Tetrax then said, "His name is Vilgax, he wants the omnitrix so he could have an unstoppable army and take over the universe." Jake goes, "So how do we know we can trust you?" Tetrax then said, "I will help you three against the other two, if you can help me knock them out, I could get them to prison" Tetrax then looked at Dylan and said, "But one thing for sure, you seem to be the right choice to wield the most powerful device ever made"" Dylan sturred for a moment and said, "*Most powerful device?*" Tetrax goes, "Yeah, it could destroy the universe, if it was set to self destruct modeDylan, Jake, and Kai, were shocked with that, Tetrax said, "Don't worry about it for now, let's get the upper advantage against SixSix and Kraab" While the trio and Tetrax set up a trap Six Six was freeing Kraab, saying, "lcfbsfijbfsrgjgnsdgjkn, (Do you think Tetrax has betrayed us?)" Kraab after being freed said, "I bet, so let's make a deal, we should team up and split the reward." SixSix then went, "juhgfsgbfrgfvidgbgf, (It's a deal)" After a bit of preparing Tetrax, Jake, and Kai were ready for the plan, and Dylan was the bait, he then pressed the omnitrix, and said, "Alright I want Goop" He pressed it and turned into Ball Weevil, and said, "Not the alien I was wanting, but this works too" Ball Weevil then stood in the open waiting for the bounty hunters. Ball Weevil then heard something, he then looked up and saw SixSix, Ball weevil then launched a bunch of explosive balls at them, but SixSix threw things and they took the explosion instead of them. Ball Weevil was getting ready to launch more, but was then hit by Kraab, launching him back into a wall, SixSix landed and Kraab walked close to Ball Weevil and said, "The omnitrix if you don't mind" Ball Weevil then began to laugh, confusing SixSix and Kraab, then crystals began to form around their feets creeping up them trying to trapping them. SixSix began to blast at the ground destroying the crystals, but one big one came out of the ground weirdly shaped. Jake then began to blast his arm cannon right at it, as a steady beam, causing the blast to reflect and split, hitting both targets. Kai came rushing in slashing at their legs. Ball weevil then hit the watch again and turned into Big Chill, and then said, "I was hoping for Rath, why do you keep wanting me to become Big Chill?" Big Chill then began to freeze all around the two, setting them up in a large chuck of ice. Tetrax walked over and threw a cube over at them and said, "I will get them to prison, so they can pay for what they have done" Big Chill then switched back to Dylan and asked, "You said this alien Vilgax has been the one sending the drones, and I guess you three, why doesn't he just come down here and do it themselves" tetrax then said, "He is still regenerating, soon he will be down here, coming to get the omnitrix" Kai then said, "Well we will be ready for him" Jake then goes, "And we could call Max for help" tetrax then looked over to Jake and said,"Ok 2 things, one, yall know of the legendary max Tennyson? And 2, Vilgax is modifying himself to become stronger" Kai said, "Wait what?" Tetrax then said, "Don't worry about that first part, but do worry about the second part" He then tossed something to Kai, and said, "Here, this might help you" Kai then looked at what Tetrax threw her, it was a hoverboard, she then asked, "Why not Dylan or Jake?" Dylan then said,"I don't think I should get that since I apparently have one of the most powerful devices ever made" And then Jake said, "And it will help you while in battle" Tetrax then was about to press something, but then tossed one more thing to Dylan and said, "If you ever need my help with anything, just give a call" Tetrax then left. Dylan then put on a serious face and told Jake and Kai, "Listen, I get our lives have changed since I have found the omnitrix, but if Tetrax is giving us this warning, I will give you two the opportunity to leave now." Jake and Kai refused and Kai said, "Dylan, the three of us have been through high school" Jake then said, "While our lives have changed, or the better, or the worse" Kai then goes, "We will fight with you against this evil" Dylan nods, and says, "Alrighty then, Jake contact Max, and inform him of everything, Kai you begin to practice on the hoverboard, I feel like that will come in to use later" Dylan then dialed up the omnitrix, and said, "I am going to go train"
After a call later, Jake called everyone back to the minivan, Kai flew over from her hoverboard, and Rath jumped in front of them, then turning back into Dylan. Jake then said, "I told Max everything, and he then told me in a very serious voice to met us at Mount Rushmore" Dylan then hopped into the driver's seat, Jake through his equipment into the car, and hooped in the passenger side, and Kai did the same, but hopped in back seat. And began the drive to Mount Rushmore.
Meanwhile up in space.
A minion walks up to the tube and told Vilgax, "Sir all three bounty hunters have left Earth, and none of them have the omnitrix" Vilgax then screamed in pure anger and then said, "THAT'S IT, I WILL GO DOWN TO EARTH AND FINALLY FINISH THE JOB!!" The minion said, "Good news, it's almost done" Vilgax then looked at earth and said, "WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU OMNITRIX WIELDER, I WILL DESTROY THIS SPECK OF A PLANET!!!" The minion began to type away and said, "Sir, I have the robots and drones ready in case you need to draw out them" Vilgax said, "Soon, this human will see who is the strongest creature is"

End of season 1 Episode 8

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