Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath, calming my nerves. I had stayed up all night trying to cram as much facts about the boys, and their stupid song lyrics. I’m more of a rock kind of girl, who has time for crappy pop music? (I just want to say I LOVE one direction, but this character just happens to not… yet) I stood in the hallway, realizing that in the room I was about to walk in, I was going to meet One Direction, where I will pretend to be a huge fan and be excited for winning a week with them. Seriously, what kind of obsessed girl (or guy) wants to spend a week with five strangers? Not me, but it’s my job!

I heard someone knock on the door from the other side, signaling me to go inside and meet the lads. I took another breath, put my hand on the cold, smooth doorknob, and twisted it. I walked inside to see five boys smiling at me. Wow, they were hotter in person. Did I seriously just think that? I shook my head, and put a huge smile on my face.

I waved my hand in front of my face and practically screamed, “Oh my freaking god, I’m standing in front of One Direction!” One of the boys, Louis, came forward and smiled brightly. “Hello,” he said politely. Now or never, I thought. I rush forward and hug him fiercely. He seems taken aback at first, but then hugs me back, chuckling. “Well, someone is friendly,” he said. I smiled brightly at him and said, “Your accent is cute. And you’re a good hugger!” He chuckled again and let go of me. I pouted but then ran over to one of the other boys and hugging him, without even remembering who he was.

Now, all the boys were chuckling at my friendly attitude, while I hated hugging these strangers, even if they were famous. “You’re a good hugger too, um… Liam,” I stated, though it sounded like a question because I didn’t know which boy it was. The curly haired boy looked at me with a confused expression. “I’m Harry,” he said quizzically. “Oh,” I said, remembering his trademark curls,” Sorry! I got distracted from your cuteness,” I said covering up my mix up with a wink. He laughed and whispered in my ear, “Looks like we’re going to get along just fine.” I blushed and hugged the real Liam.

“I don’t look like Harry right,” Liam asked, looking scared. I laughed and said, “Sadly, yes.”

“Hey,” Harry retorted, “What do you mean sadly?” I shrugged. “It would be sad if he looked like you. It would ruin his perfectness.” Harry pouted, and I laughed at his sad expression.  “Harry I was just kidding,” I said and he brightens up immediately. I sighed as I hugged Zayn next. These boys were going to be so easy to... NO! I refuse to think of what I will eventually have to do to them. I just enjoyed the warmth of Zayn’s arms.

I released Zayn, a smile playing on his lips. I walked over to the last boy, who had his arms spread wide, waiting for my hug. I smiled at the boy, trying to remember his name. He smiled back to be, his blue eyes glistening with amusement and happiness. I must admit, no name was cute. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly, holding on longer than I did for any of the other boys. HE held me to his chest and I could feel it gently move up and down with his breaths.

 I hear someone cough from behind me, and I realized I had been hugging no name for longer than I should have. I pull myself away from his embrace, blushing when I look at the other boys to see their all smirking. “Looks like someone has a crush on Nialler,” Louis says, a smile tugging on his face. “No,” I yelled at him, turning a shade darker. The other boys chuckled when I pushed Louis playfully. He smirked again, and then started chanting, “Jocelyn likes Niall! Jocelyn like Niall!” I turned to Niall, who was blushing, with a pleading look. “Please make Louis stop,” I begged him with puppy eyes. And let me tell you, I do better puppy eyes then the freaking puppies.

Niall raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “He’s always like this, no stopping him,” he said, not giving in to my puppy eyes. I was shocked. Only one person could do that but… that was still a rough topic. Liam must have mistaken my shocked expression as fear, because he came up to me and hugged me saying, “Louis quit it! You’re going to scare off our guest!”

“Sorry,” Louis apologized, “But you and Niall would be so cute together!” I sighed in exasperation at the same time as Niall, thus making the other boys ‘aww’ at us. I shrugged off Liam and crossed my arms. “Well, now that were all aquatinted,” Liam said, going all Daddy Direction mode, “I think it’s time to take our guest to the hotel room.” The boys all nodded and walked out of the room with me trailing behind them.

We got into the elevator, and since I was closest to the buttons I asked, “What floor?”

“Top floor,” Zayn said, and I pressed the button for the top floor, a little shocked. We’re going to be so high up… I shook my head and shrugged off my fear. Whatever, I can deal with a little height, right?

The elevator dinged and we got off. We walked into a little hallway that ended in one door. We walked to it and Liam took out a little key card. “Whole floor just for us,” Harry whispered into my ear excitedly. I smiled up to him. “Sweet, no annoying neighbors,” I replied and he chuckled.

Liam opened the door and we walked in. Everyone glanced at each other and screamed, “Everyone for themselves!” All the boys scattered, probably room claiming. I giggled at their childish ways and just gazed at the huge room. When you walked in, it opened up to a big room that appeared to be a huge living room, with a few sofas and loveseats around a coffee table and a big flat screen TV in front of ti all. The room branched off into the kitchen and dining room. There was a flight of stairs off to the side that probably led up to the bedrooms, considering the boys had made a beeline to them.

 But right now I wasn’t focused on any of that at all. I was walking towards the opposite wall that was made entirely of glass. I reached it and put my hand on the cool smooth surface. I look down and get dizzy. We are so high up! Why did we have to be on the highest floor. I put my hand to my head, feeling a headache start. I started swaying and fell backwards about to hit the ground when… I heard a yelp and someone caught me in their arms, and right before I passed out, I saw concerned blue eyes staring into my light grey ones.

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