Chapter 18

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*Lucy's POV*

"Okay boys," I say, looking at them. We had put them furniture back into place and they were all sitting on the couch. It was kinda weird, seeing them sitting there without Zayn. "You need two more skills to be able to go on the mission," I informed them, and they all broke out in grins.

"Don't start smiling now,
" I said, making them frown, "One if these skills is very hard to learn! It took me two years, though let's hope one of you are naturals."

I turned to Sam and whispered to her, "You should probably teach two, and I should teach two." She nodded agreeing. "Louis and Harry, you two can go with Sam. I'll be teaching Niall and Liam," I ordered, and the boys all stood up. Harry and Louis followed Sam out of the room and I turned to Niall and Liam. "What you guys are going to be learning is simple hacking and how to teach emotions," I said, walking to stand in front of them.

I held my hand out. "Liam, can I see your phone," I asked him. He nodded and handed t to me, saying, "There's a password." I grinned at him and typed in the password, unlocking his iPhone. He glared at me and snatched the phone back. "How'd you know my password," he exclaimed confused.

I smiled at him and said, "Basic hacking. The first step is to be very observant. If you watch people carefully, you'll be able to tell what ticks them off, what makes them happy, even the way their fingers move when unlocking their phone." He was about to say something, but just closed his mouth, deciding to say nothing.

"Anyways, that's really simple. What you two need to learn is how to hack computers and to get through the passwords. And I have a very handy tool that you guys can use so you won't have to learn all the stupid long formulas," I said, turning to the the table that has a large duffle bag on it. I reached into it and pulled out a little electronic device. It looked like a phone, but it had a USB drive connected to it. I turned to them.

"This is what we call a decoder. This was created in our spy cooperation, specifically used for hacking. Only the higher up spies get one, and I am a very good spy," I tell them with a grin. They nod and I ask them, "Do you know where I could find a computer?"

"You can use my laptop," Niall said, and I nodded. He lead us to his room. He powered on his laptop and I clicked on the user. A little password box popped up on the screen.

I grinned and plugged the decoder into the lap top. "So what you do is," I stared saying, my fingers flying over the screen quickly. I looked up at the lap top, it said, "Password correct." It showed Niall's homepage, which was a picture of us. I smiled at it and turned to them. "And that's how you do that part," I told them happily. They looked at me with their mouths hanging open.

"We can't do that," Niall said, annoying me. "Well, you Guys will learn," I snapped, turning back to the lap top.


*Sam's POV*
I grin widely at Louis and Harry, very impressed. The three of us were sitting in Louis' room, learning how to hack. We were seated on Louis' blue bed sheet. The two boys had yet again successfully hacked into my locked files. Of course they were just training files. None of my ACTUAL files. They'll never look at those. No one will except-

"Hey Sam, what exactly are we going to do," Harry asks, looking up from the laptop. I bite my lip, looking down at the blanket. "First off, you guys are gonna help Lucy and I steal the files with this mission on it, so we can find out who wants you dead," I inform them, glancing over at them. Harry nods while Louis looks up slowly and asks, "What about your family?"

I sit there for a second, completely emotionless. I've been trying to avoid thinking about this, thinking about mine and Lucy's family. The one that Matthew has kidnapped. Locked away somewhere, probably kept in horrible conditions. What will happen to them? Tears spring to my eyes at the thought. Matthew will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. And right now, he has my family. Matthew is the kind of guy who doesn't mind killing people off, one by one. I feel a small year trickle down my cheek, and I wipe at it furiously.

I turn to Louis and snap, "I don't know what will happen, but I plan on making sure nothing happens." I quickly stand up and leave the room, slamming the door behind me. We have to get them back.

I walk up to the room that Lucy and the others are in, knocking firmly. I hear the murmuring behind the door stop, and the door slowly opens. "Yeah Sam," Lucy asks, stepping out of the room. I gulp and say, "I'm going out for a few hours." Lucy expression changes to confusion. "Why," she asks. I look down at the floor and mumble, "I need to see him..."

Lucy nods, understanding immediately. She smiles sympathetically at me and nods for me to go. I return the smile and quickly leave, needing fresh air. Right before I walk out the door, I remember how much danger were in and go to my room. I look around in my bag for a few seconds until my hand grazes cold metal. I take out the small pistol and tuck it into my waistband, walking out the door.


I feel the cold air blast into my face as I walk into the hospital. I breath slowly, trying to calm down. This will be the first time I'll see Zayn after what happened. He may be sleeping but he may also be awake. Also... No one has told him about Lucy and I yet, about being spies. I have a lot of explaining to do...

I walk up to the lady sitting at the counter. She asks me who I'm here to say and I calmly reply Malik. She points me to room 317 and I nod, walking towards it. It seems the closer I get, the slower my steps are. Nervousness builds up inside me and before I know it I'm opening the door to his room.

I walk in and hold in my gasp. There Zayn laid laid on the hospital bed, his skin a very pale and lifeless color. He had bandages wrapped tightly around his torso, and also one on his head. Flashbacks from the morning he get hit race through my mind. The black car rushing forward, screeching it's tires. Zayn's face, a mixture between confusion and complete terror. Zayn's body getting flung in the air after getting hit head on. The screams tearing out of my mouth.

STOP IT SAM. Stop remembering, just forget already! I take a shaky breath and walk over to Zayn's bed, taking as eaton it. The only sound in the room was Zayn's small snores and the steady beat of the heart monitor.

I reach out and move a piece of his hair out of his face, stroking his cheek lightly. With my other hand I take one of his, grasping it gently. His hand was cold, ice cold. I let out a small sob, realizing I did this to Zayn. That this was all my fault. I close my eyes tightly as tears run down my face for the second time that day.

Why? Why did I have to do this to Zayn? He didn't deserve this, he didn't! Why did I have to trip him? Why couldn't that car stop sooner? Why did I have to kill them? Why did I become a spy, a murderer? Why did Matthew have to take my family? Why do I hurt everyone I love?

I reach up and am about to wipe my tears when someone beats me to it. A soft, ice cold hand brushes my tears away softly. I snap my eyes open and look down to be met by a warm brown. Zayn was smiling up at me, his ice cold hand wiping the tears away.

I smile shakily down at him too. He places his ice cold hand on my cheek and I lean in towards him, staring into his warm brown eyes. My lips brush against his lips softly, and I smile at how ironic it was. Zayn Malik, the guy I have to kill, was kissing me. And I was falling for him. No, I had already fallen for him. Fallen for his ice cold hands and his warm brown eyes.


Yeah I get it, you all hate me for disappearing for like idk how much time.... BUT IM BACK!!! For real this time!! My writers block is gone and here comes the real writing!! The hue feels!! The PLOT TWIST!! Omg it's going to be awesome!!! Ok so I want your opinions, what do you think should happen next?? oh and do you ship Larry??

Don't forget to vote/comment/and follow!! I always follow back!!

Love you all!!

~Luna xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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