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There has to be a way for me to move back into my own apartment because if I have to stay with Niall and Riley for another week, I'm going to rip my hair out. It's almost like my decision to tell her that I can hear them when they're getting intimate made them not care anymore. That was Monday afternoon when I told Riley, and today's Wednesday.

When they got back from Luminary Monday night, they went into the shower together. I'm not sure if they thought the water sounds would drown them out, but it did not. Even when I banged on the door and told them to stop, they didn't; they just got quieter. That 'quiet' lasted for a total of five minutes before they forgot and started getting loud again. When I woke up in the middle of the night and left my room to go get water from the kitchen, I faintly heard Riley's moans.

Yesterday, since I'm in finals week, I got back from campus early since I left after finishing my exam. My plan was to go straight to the library and study some more but my phone was about to die and I forgot my charger, so I quickly stopped back at the townhouse. Because they thought I wasn't going to be back for another hour, they were loudly having sex somewhere on the first floor of the house. I didn't say anything and they never heard me. I quickly ran up, grabbed my charger, and left. They were going at it again later on in the night, leaving me with no choice but to put my headphones in to block out the noise that way in an attempt to get some sleep.

Even though they've been bothering me, I haven't said anything to either of them about it. I considered it, but whenever the chance arose and I found myself with either one of them—a lull in the conversation that would allow the perfect opportunity to spit it out—I couldn't bring myself to do it. As annoying as it is, I need to remember that I'm still ultimately a guest. Yes, I am an unwilling one since this living situation is partially Niall's fault, but it also doesn't entirely fall on him, either. Colin is the one who threatened me and Riley, and in a panic, Niall did what he could to make sure we were safe. Harry even told me so himself that Colin doesn't make empty threats, so if it was brought up, he meant it.

He also told me to never go back to my apartment until we're sure things are safe. I believe the exact words he used were: unless I have a death wish.

Well, I definitely don't have one of those. But it may seem that way considering I'm currently doing the one thing I was advised not to.

Turning my key in the lock, the doorknob twists beneath my hold as I feel it unlock. I push it, remaining frozen in the doorway as the white wooden door slowly creaks open. When nothing immediately jumps out at me like I half-expect, I take a cautious step inside. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation as I take two more steps inside, peering around the living room.

Everything looks exactly the same.

It's odd. Nearly two weeks have passed since I last stepped foot in here, yet it's felt like a lifetime. I know it's silly since it's only been thirteen days, but part of me was expecting to see a thin layer of dust covering everything like it's been years of untouched furniture sitting unused. Another part of me thought I would walk in on everything broken and a mess, an obvious visual aid to someone being in our apartment and watching us. This thought was admittedly much more far-fetched in nature but I'd almost prefer it to the reality before me. At least if stuff were broken and there was evidence that Colin had sent someone after us, it would make everything that much more real.

But this? This almost makes it as though it's truly all in my head.

Commotion from the hallway has me breaking out of my daze. The preteen twins that live a few units down chatter loudly as they come down the hall, probably just getting home from school for the day. I shut the door as they pass, shooting them a small smile that they return. We vaguely know one another but not too well since their family just moved in a few months ago.

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