504 16 56

Harry Styles

This whole ordeal is the biggest fucking disaster Colin has ever roped me into.

Camden just shot somebody. Sure, it was only in the shoulder and the asshole deserved it, but still. She took her gun and had it in her to pull the trigger and harm someone else. And she was ready to slit his throat too. Who's to say she wouldn't have done it if I hadn't pulled her away in time?

I tighten my grip as she fights against my arms restraining her, pressing her flush against my chest. I don't know what the fuck Marcus found about her but whatever it is, it's set her off. She's completely and utterly erratic right now. If I let go of her, I'm afraid she may actually shoot him dead in a blind rage. His taunting her isn't helping, it's only making her thrash against me more wildly.

Not only would her shooting him dead get her killed because Colin specifically told me and Felix that Marcus needs to make it out of tonight alive so he can deal with him himself, but I also don't want Camden killing somebody. Call me crazy, but it's going to be hard enough for her to rationalize what she did when the adrenaline wears off and all she did was shoot his leg and cut his cheek. If she kills him, there's no telling what she'll do.

"It's not any of us that you should be worried about," Felix says, my eyes shooting up from where I've been staring down at Camden. "The real threat of yours should be arriving here any second, and then I'd be a little more concerned about your future."

Wait, what?

The smug look Marcus has been wearing disappears in an instant. Good. What a cocky asshole. "What?"

My eyes are burning holes into Felix's back as he moves closer to Marcus, lifting the knife in his hand and using it to carefully trace Marcus's cheek. "Camden may not be authorized to kill you, but I'm sure you can guess who is."

The door bursts open and in walks Colin, trailed by Howard and Victor. They're all sporting guns, clueing me into what Felix meant.

Oh Jesus Christ, not them. Now Camden's going to think I was lying when I said that Colin wouldn't be here tonight. Even when he isn't actively trying to fuck me over, he somehow still manages to do so.

Colin doesn't glance our way, his sight solely set on Marcus being restrained. He's grinning down at him like he just won the lottery, the sight making my stomach turn. I haven't seen Colin in action in a while and I forgot how unsettling it is. Legally, he should be classified as a sociopath because I'm pretty sure he's incapable of regular human emotion. What kind of sick fuck gets excited knowing they're about to torture someone as a means of getting them to agree to something? Yeah, he majorly fucked us over, but to be giddy about it is another type of fucked up.

"Marcus," he bellows, standing in front of him and blocking my view. Good. That means Camden can't see, either. "I don't believe we've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Colin."

Camden goes limp in my arms, no longer fighting me and trying to break free. Instead, she presses herself further into me, the sight of Colin for the first time since he threatened her last month probably enough to scare her shitless. With no one looking at us, I pry her off of me and move her to stand behind me, letting her death grip my hand. Her forehead presses into my back.

"We've gone silent, haven't we?" Colin taunts. "That's unfortunate. All we wanted was to have a conversation but it seems you didn't want to listen to our pretty girl when she tried to reason you with."

Fucking Christ, I'm going to kill him if he keeps calling her that.

Colin's head whips around, his soulless brown eyes meeting mine. "Harry, I believe you and your girlfriend are done here. You've served your purpose, unless she wants to help with what we do next." He laughs with a ghastly smile, trying to move to a spot that'll let him see her. "Is that what you want, Camden? I heard you wanted to be the one to take care of business. What do you say, Harry? Let her help us drug him and bring him back to the warehouse tonight to get him to agree to our deal?"

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