Chapter 1

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I actually had fun at parties in most of my senior year, but now, when I am officially graduated from school, I find myself bored and annoyed. It isn't only the fact that everyone here hates me for a stupid reason, nor that everyone walks past me and giggles just because I came to this stupid party. I'm annoyed because everyone here is drinking, dancing or swimming in the pool and a) drinking is gross and I hate it; b) the music sucks and I'm tired of listening to hip hop for a whole hour and c) it is just too cold to go swimming. Also, my 17 year old sister Abbigail is nowhere to be seen; probably flirting with some guy. And all I really want to do right now is to lay in bed and watch a movie on Netflix.

An arm finds its way around my shoulder, and I immediately jump away, trying to get rid of it. When I turn around I find Stephan, my stupid ex-boyfriend.

"Oh, come on Annabelle! We are perfect for each other, you know. Let's get back together and stop acting like little kids! It's just stupid"

My lips are pressed together, and I just shake my head at him. Does he think I'm stupid? He asked for things I wasn't willing to give him, he even tried to pressure me to give him what he wanted, but I never agreed to it so he broke up with me and told all kinds of rumors to the school population. After that, the last bits of my senior year were lonely and hard. Just when I'm better and I don't care about him or all these people anymore he wants me back? Of course, he is your typical popular jock, so at first everyone believed his words, and when he tried to fix things just a couple of people started talking to me again, but that isn't enough for me to get back with him. I'll never be that stupid again.

"Annabelle... please!" he pouted, and any other girl would've melted at this, I was just tired and mad at him.

"No. How many times do I have to say it for you to understand?"

I know him well enough to know that the hurt look on his face is fake, and I also recognize an evil twinkle in his eyes.

I turn around as fast as I can to run and wait for Abby in my car, but Stephan gets a hold on my arm, and I wince as the pain shoots through the place where he is holding it.

"Let. Me. Go." I say through gritted teeth.

Just then, Abby gets in front of us and growls when she sees Stephan.

"Let go off my sister, you asshole" She might be a year younger than me but she is a thousand times scarier and intimidating than I'll ever be. She is all death glares, bad words and fights, while I just try to be a pacifist.

Stephan stares back at my sister's death glare with one of his own, but in the end he frees my arm.

"Now, get at least a hundred meters away from her and never talk to any of us again, bye jerk!"

Stephan glances at my sister, then stares at me while he steps away cursing under his breath.

"You okay, Belle?" asks Abby, worried.

"Yeah, don't worry about it"

She sighs in relief. "We have to head home, like, right now"

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know, but dad called and said we have to get there as soon as possible. And by what I heard, Lily was crying and Lola fainted for some reason"

"What on earth is going on?"

"I know right, I'm just so confused. The faster we get there, the sooner we'll get to know. Let's go!"


I drive as fast as I can trying not to get over the speed limit, but not caring about missing some stop signs.

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