Chapter Six

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Colleen's POV

Today is my birthday! Yay...... (Note my sarcasm) I hate birthdays. I just get older. Everyone is like "Yay you survived another year!" I on the other hand would rather just sit in my room all day.

"Breakfast is ready!" Day shouted. Oh no.... Please don't be burnt. I walked into the kitchen and saw scrambled eggs that weren't done and burnt toast with way to much butter on them. "Dig in Angel." He said. "I think I'll just have an apple." I say. "I don't blame you." He said. He grabbed the food and threw it out. I grabbed fruit and cut it up then placed it in a bowl. "Lets just have fruit salad for breakfast." I said. "Alright." Day said. Everyone ran into the room. "Breakfast!" Sapphire shouted enthusiastically.


"Time for presents." My mother said enthusiastically. I sat in a chair and my father handed me a present. I opened it. It was a picture of my family. "Thank you." I said smiling. Then Sapphire handed me an envelope. Inside was a picture of her and me holding light sabers. "Thank you." I said hugging her. Ben handed me a package. I opened it and found a sketch book with pencils. "Thanks Benny." I said hugging him. There was a knock at the door. I opened the ramp. There stood my aunt, uncle, and cousins. "Listen I know I was mean to you and everything but it was only because I was in front of the Republic and I just didn't know how to act around you. They thought you were a criminal." Leia said. I pulled her into a hug. "Come on in." I said.

Han handed me a box. I opened it and inside was a new tool box. "Thank you so much!" I said hugging each of them. Day handed me a bag. I opened it and inside was the fuzziest blanket ever! It was gray and super fluffy! "Thanks." I said smiling at him. "There's something else." He said taking out a flat small box. He opened it and inside was a silver necklace that had a heart with wings hanging on it. Something was engraved into the necklace. 'Will you be my Angel? ~Day ♥' I smiled and hugged him nodding my head. "Can I see?" Sapphire asked. I nodded and handed it to her. "Oh my gosh!! That's so cute!" She squealed. "What does it say?" My father asked. "Will you be my Angel? Day then there's a little heart." Sapphire said. Day clipped it around my neck as I smiled. I kissed his cheek. "Thank you soooo much! I love it!" I said hugging him. "Anything for my Angel." He said. "Barf." Ben said. I heard something fall on the floor. When I looked over Sapphire had him pinned down.

"There's something we need to tell you guys." My mother started. "What is it?" I asked. Sapphire looked at her knowing what she had to say. Me on the other hand had no idea. "Sapphire isn't our daughter. She's just a girl we met on the streets after her mother died along with her father." My father continued. "Yes that means I can do this." Ben said as he pressed his lips against Sapphire's. When he pulled away I shouted. "Ben Skywalker she is only 7! How dare you kiss her!" "Sorry" He said. Sapphire hugged him.


Last night Day and I had some aggressive negotiations. I wake up before everyone else and walked near the Republic building to visit my Uncle. I arrive and explore the large building since it wont open for hours. I'm the only one here so there's no one in my way. After about 20 minutes I exit the building remembering my Uncle had the day off.

I arrive back to the ship and see everyone up. "Good morning Angel." Day said kissing my cheek. "Morning." I said. "Where have you been?" He asked. "At the Republic building." I reply. "That doesn't open for another hour." He said. "I know just thought I would do some exploring. I hear explosions coming from town. I turn and see the Republic building up in flames. "Open up!" I hear someone shout. I open the ramp and in walk in Republic soldiers. They cuff me. "You're under arrest for placing bombs inside the Republic building." A man said. "I didn't do that! Why would I?" I asked. 'You have done other crimes in the past." The other guard stated. Day looked at me "How could you?" He asked. "I didn't." I said. "The bombs were placed using the force." The guard said. "A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense never for attack." I stated. 'maybe not but who says your a Jedi?" The guard asked. I just glare at him.

"We will are here to arrest you. Confess now and the punishment wont be as severe." The guard said. "I'm not going to take the fall for something I didn't do." I said and took off running. I suddenly felt sick but continued to run. The only thing I had was my backpack. I ran to an alley and hid. I opened my pack and searched through it. There was my sketch book, pencils, family photos, and the keys to my X-Wing! A wave of sickness hit me. I threw up all over the ground. I sprinted to the doctors to figure out what was wrong with me before I fled.


"Miss Skywalker?" I heard the doctor call out. I stood up and he walked towards me. "It seems you're pregnant." The doctor said. I started to cry as I sprinted out the door. I ran towards the hangar. Pregnant! I'm only 16! That means Day's the father! I hopped into my X-Wing and took off. I wiped my tears and stopped at my ship to say goodbye. Day rushed out hugging me. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yea I'm fine I just came back to say goodbye." I explained. "Cant you just confess you did it?" He asked. "I didn't do it!" I shouted. "It seems that way." He said. "Forget this!" I shouted turning on my heel and marching to my X-Wing. "Tell my family I loved them and that I wont be seeing them anytime soon." I say before I pull the roof down over me and take off. Time to be a single mom.

4 years later!

I was heard being a single mom is twice the work, twice the tears, and twice the stress. That all is true but it's also twice the hugs, twice the kisses, and twice the love. I walked towards Staria. She had long blond hair and blue eyes that twinkled like the stars. She's 3 and 3 months old. I'm now 20 and I haven't seen my family or Day in 4 years. I miss them all so much. Especially Day. Lucky for me Staria looks just like me and nothing like him.

I walk into Staria's room. We're living on Naboo at the moment. Her crib was up against a glass wall. I sketched her small sleeping figure in the crib and the rising sun in the background. She stirred "Mommy?' She asked. "Yes Star?" I asked. "Can we go to Coruscant? I saw it on the Holo net." She said. "Anything for you." I said kissing her cheek and lifting her from the crib. "Lets pack." I said. She nodded excitedly.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter May 4th is over with :( Now it's just boring May 5th. Well goodnight! May the Force be with you ~Faith ♥

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