Chapter Seven

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I grabbed my photo, sketch book, pencils, and fuzzy blanket. I had my necklace hiding under my shirt. I take it out and look at it. "I'm coming home." I mumble holding it to my heart. Whenever I see the sun rising and see it's day time I think of Day. His kind smile, his brown eyes, and his brown hair. I just love him so much. I don't really look the same. My hair is always in a plaited braid and it's longer. My skin is a lot clearer and more smooth. Plus my eyes are a lighter blue the last time.


We land on Coruscant and I walk towards where I used to park the ship. "Mommy? What are we doing here?" Staria asked looking up at me with her big blue eyes twinkling. "We're here to get my old ship." I say. She grabs my hand and starts swinging our hands. I see my ship in the distance and scoop up Staria running towards it. The ramp is open so I walk right in. I'm in my own little world tracing the etchings on the wall with my finger. "Mommy!" I hear he shout. "Staria!" I shout back. I take off down the hall and towards the kitchen. A woman is there holding her with a blaster to her head. "Let her go." I say threating her. "What are you going to do if I don't?" She asked. I pulled out my mother's old lightsaber and ignite it. "Let. Her. Go." I say narrowing my eyes at her. "Drop your weapon and she wont get hurt." The woman says. I drop my lightsaber. "All weapons." She says. I drop my father's lightsaber then my 2 blasters clipped to my belt, the mini blasters in my boot, the slingshot on my arm, and the sniper in my backpack. "Now please hand her over." I said. Staria had tears in her eyes. "I think I would rather keep her as a slave." She said. "Mommy!" Staria shouted. "Please don't! She's the only family I have!" I shout.

Day walks into the room. "Scarlet what are you doing?" He asked. "We have intruders." She said. I was on my knees begging now. "Please take me instead. She's my life." I say tears streaming down my face. "Scarlet let the little girl go." Day says. I make eye contact with him. "Thank you." I say hugging him. He doesn't recognize me. I run to Staria and scoop her up. "Mommy!" She shouted enthusiastically. "Hey Star. Don't ever leave my side again." I say firmly. She nods. I kiss the top of her head. "Good. I love you." I say. "I love you too. Can I wear your necklace for comfort?" She asked. I nod and reluctantly take off my necklace. Day immediately recognizes it. "Hey can I see that?" Day asked Staria. She nods and hands it to him. "Will you be my Angel?" He mumbles. He looks up at me tears in his eyes. "Colleen?" He asked. I nod and hug him. "I missed you so much." He says. "I missed you too." I reply. I go to kiss him but he pushes me away. I look at him confused. "I'm in a relationship. With Scarlet." He says.

I pull away. "I understand. I mean I left for 4 years." I say. He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "So is Staria's father here with you to?" He asked. I nod. "Where?" He asked. "In front of me." I say. "What? But we never." He said. "4 years ago. My 16th birthday." I say. He nods remembering. "You told me you were a fucking virgin!" Scarlet yelled. "Mommy? What's a fucking virgin?" Staria asked. "Don't say that word." I said firmly. Staria nodded.

I walked to my old room and crawled into bed. Later in the night Staria woke me up. "Mommy?" She asked. I looked at her. "I had a nightmare." She said. I pulled up the covers and she climbed next to me. I wrapped my arms protectively around her and soon fell asleep.


I woke up and walked out to the kitchen. I was still wearing my necklace, my parents didn't know I was home yet and neither did Sapphire or Ben. Sapphire and Ben walk into the kitchen hand in hand. "I'm guessing something went on with you two while I was gone." I say smirking. "Colleen?" They both ask in unison. I nod and they both tackle me with a hug. "We missed you." Sapphire says. "I missed you guys too. So are you guys dating?" I ask. Ben nods and so does Sapphire. "Who wants breakfast?" I ask. "I do." They both say in unison. I walk to the stove and make chocolate chip pancakes, Day's favorite. I remember the day after I had gotten beat in the face I made these for him.

Scarlet and Day walk into the kitchen. "Who made breakfast?" Scarlet asked. "Me." I say. My parents walk into the kitchen. "Colleen?" They ask. I nod. They hug me and tell me they missed me. I feel something wrap around my leg. I look down and see Staria. I sit at the table and place her on my lap. "Everyone this is Staria. Staria this is your Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Ben, Daddy, Sapphire, and Scarlet." I say. "Daddy?" Ben asks anger rising in his voice. "You go my sister pregnant at 15!" Ben shouts. "16." I correct. ""Whatever. Look at you now. 20 and taking care of a 3 year old!" He shouts. "Why didn't you get an abortion!??" He continues to shout. "I don't care that I'm 20 and she's 3! That means I'll be in her life longer! I'm glad I didn't get an abortion! Because if I did she wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here now! She's the one who wanted to come her!" I shouted. I got up placed Staria back on the chair, kissed her head, and walked out of the room.

I sat on my bed and looked through my sketch book. The first ones were of the Naboo sunset. In the middle were plenty of Day and I together. Towards the end they were mostly Staria. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in." I say. The door opens and Day walks in. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" I ask. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. See Scarlet has been mean ever since you've arrived. I just don't know what to do." He said. "Has she been mean to you?" I asked. He nodded. "Did she apologize?" I ask. He shook his head. "A good girlfriend would've at least apologized." I say and he nods. "I guess I'll go break up with her." He says. Now that he's breaking up with Scarlet does that mean we can get back together?

A/N: I told you I would get it updated today! Please go check out my friends account she's writing an amazing Star Wars Fan fiction called Lost Heroes, he name is xx_StarWarsGirl_xx May the Force be with you ~Faith ♥

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