Fagyos bimbó

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The trip was long, and Dream slept in after a while, Tommy carrying him on his back with a cloth securing the child. Tommy felt the fever burning from the admin's remains, as the kid scuirmed or coughed under the comfort of the soft blanket. Shroud chatted happily as they reached the sea, Tommy placing Dream into a boat, then getting shroud to sit into it, sailing shortly after. His six years old spiderling held his newfound litle brother, wrapped in a blanket, close to himself, not letting the boy to feel discomfort. Tommy was proud of his litle boy, who cared so much for the youngest out of the three. It was still slightly disturbing, seeing the once powerfull man in such wulnerable state.

After long hours of traveling, the boat hit snowy land, letting the little family know that they are in the right place, but there's still a long way to go. After Tommy deczred Dream on his back, and made sure Shroud was wearing enough layers of clothing, he began leading them towards their destination, wich was the cottage Techno, Phil, and Ghostbur lived in.

A snow storm was aproaching quickly. Techno glanced outside, and there was no signs of Tommy. The piglin hybrid was quite worried for the younger, so he went to search for the three guest.

Tommy was not lost. Nope. He was just in a big snowstorm. Definetly not lost. But they had to find shelter and fast. Shroud and Dream were both shaking, the cold getting to them. Tommy was cold too, don't misunderstand, but he had to keep going.

It was a relief when he spotted red in the distance. He started yelling for his big brother figure, his leggs almost giving out. A happy smile forced his way to the frozen face, and he greeted the piglin hybrid with a wave.

"Of course you wouldn't get to shelter before the snowstorm."The piglin mumbled, but he picked up his almost little brother, Tommy strongly disaproved this act but inside he was gratefull, and the blood god carried the three back to his small cottage.

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