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It's been 5 months since the incident about Mysta happened. Luxiem continued to their work, still living in the same house. Shu and Luca never brought up the talk about the time where Shu forcefully kissed Luca and confessed to him.

"Good morning!" Mysta greeted them loudly which cause the guys to groan.

"Mysta it's still morning let me sleeppppppp" Shu shouted upstairs covering his face with a pillow and tucking himself under the blanket.

"Good morning my boy" Vox said and kissed his cheeks that made the fox subconsciously blush, turning red like an apple.

"G-goodmorning Vox" Mysta replied stuttering, still not use to Vox's actions. After Mysta woke up 5 months ago, Vox immediately hugged him tight and whisper things like "I'm sorry" "I should've confessed to you earlier if I know that this will happen" "I'm sorry my boy, I love you so much please don't leave me again" and "I promise that I won't let you get hurt like this again. "

Mysta cried and just said "It was never your fault Vox, this is my fault." Vox just hugged Mysta tighter.

" Guys I think we should go they need to talk." Finana said that startled Mysta and Vox. They didn't realize that they're still here watching them, hugging, confessing and almost kissing.

Blush slowly crawled up to Mysta and Vox's face. The others just nodded and left with Finana. Long story short, Mysta and Vox reconciled and started dating.

However as for Shu and Luca's relationship, not really a relationship but FRIENDSHIP. It's not going well, they'll either just talk when their friends is with them or just ignore each other's existence.

Shu will wake up at 8:30, he will start eating breakfast and after that he'll take a bath. It's either he'll start streaming or hang out with their friends. He keeps making himself busy in order to forget what happened with him and Luca. This is his everyday routine.

Luca is just ignoring Shu because he doesn't know what he'll do, he just wants to talk with Shu like before. Before, him and Shu are always together. Like together, when eating breakfast, streaming, hanging out, cooking lunch or dinner and talking before going to sleep. But now, you won't even notice that they're that close before. Shu the sorcerer is his bestfriend, his CLOSEST friend in luxiem.

Shu walk downstairs to eat breakfast that Vox cooked. Ike is already sitting in the stool while Mysta and Vox are getting the table ready.

"Goodmorning" Shu greeted them while rubbing his eyes. Roaming his eyes around, he noticed that the yellow mafia boss is nowhere to found.

"Where's Luca?" Shu ask while sitting in front of the table.

"Oh goodmorning Shu, Luca said he'll just go somewhere and stay in his office until midnight." Ike replied and just shrugged, this really didn't bother him because the mafia always  comes home late.

"Oh okay i guess?" Shu replied hesitantly, he's thinking why would Luca stay outside until midnight today? It's Friday and tonight will be their collab.

After eating, Shu washed the dishes and started to walk upstairs to ready himself. He's going out today with Uki, Fulgur, Alban, Millie, Reimu and Yugo. Sonny is busy with his work while the others have stream in the morning.

Shu bid his friends goodbye and started driving to their meet up place. They talked about their plans for today and they chose to play in the amusement park. After some time he already arrived and he saw Fulgur and Uki flirting in the bench and Yugo just listening to his headphones.

"Yooooooo" They all turned their heads towards Shu and greeted him back.

"Sup, Shu Yamino eyyyyy" Fulgur greeted that made Shu chuckles.

"Hey Shu, what's up?" Uki said while clinging to Fulgur like he's going to leave him alone.

"Hi Shu!" Yugo said taking his headphones off.

Shu just smiled, he wished that everything would go fine today. After waiting for the others, Alban pulled all of them into the booth to get their tickets and started shouting "Guys!!!! Let's go!!! It'll be fun! Trust me!!!" they all just chuckled to his statement and followed Alban.

After getting their tickets Alban once again pulled them but this time in front of the roller coaster. "Alban are you sure you want to ride this shit?" Reimu asked chuckling while shaking her head.

Alban just nodded and said " Yes!!! I checked the internet and they said this is super fun!!! " This is their first time going to amusement park so they haven't know what's the rides here.

They all just shrugged and tried it because of course they trust Alban saying it'll be fun.

In some corner you can see couple of hoomans vomiting their stomachs out and cursing each other. "You fucking bitch!!! Are you trying to kill me?!?! UAGHHKKKKK!!!!" Reimu asked holding onto Yugo who's also vomiting beside her.

"I.... I didn't know okay?!?! BLEHHHHH!!!" Alban just said and started vomiting again. After their vomiting session they started to walk and just sight seeing. Traumatized to what happened to them.

" Oh, look at that one! I think that's fun!! " Yugo said while pointing to the shooting games and other stuffs in an amusement park. They all looked at what he's pointing and sighed in relief. 'Atleast it's not like the first one' they all thought.

They started playing and winning a lot of stuffs. Laughter and joy is visible to their group. They are having fun, so much fun. It's been a while since they had this much fun. All they do is just lock their selves in their room and just think of concepts they can use for their live streams.

"Hey guys it's already 12:50 pm let's go buy some food for lunch" Uki said that gathers everyone's attention.

"Oh that's why I was hungry" Millie said while rubbing her stomach.

"Let's find some food court or stalls that sells food." Fulgur said so they started looking for stalls.

After settling down in a food stall they started eating and just talking with each other.

" Oh guys look! It's Luca!!! " Alban said and pointed to their front, there stood Luca holding a girl's waist laughing and smiling with her.


Shu heard his heart break, it's been a while since he had seen Luca smiling and laughing like that. Clenching his shirt that's near his heart, Shu thought.

'Is this the reason why he pushed me away that time?'
'Haha ofcourse Shu, why would Luca like you?'
'He doesn't like boys Shu, don't even try this again'

Millie who noticed this, holds Shu's hand and squeeze it tight to remind him that they're at an amusement park with their friends.

"Luca!!!!" Alban shouted and waved his hand when Luca looked at their direction.

Luca heard his name being called so he roam his eyes to find who called him. Finding the one who called him, he saw Alban waving at him with Fulgur, Uki, Yugo, Reimu, Millie and Shu.... He is holding hands with Millie. He felt a pang on his chest and he doesn't know why. He just shrugged it off and just waved back at Alban.

Shu just smiled at him, while the others smiled and waved at him.

"Here Luca! Come'ere!!!" Alban shouted again while looking at Luca's direction.

"Carms let's go there, that's my friends" Luca said excitedly that made the girl chuckle and just agree at him.

"Sure you big golden retriever" she said while shaking her head.

Luca happily pulled her toward the group. Shu who saw this scene can only just wish that they won't notice his shaking hands. Millie who's holding Shu's hand, noticed that he is shaking and that made her hold onto him tighter.

"Shu you need to calm down." Millie whispered to him, that made him realized that he is shaking not because of anger but because of sadness and broken heart.

"I know Millie, it's just that.... i didn't think this is so painful...... "

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