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After Luca and the girl sat up with the group, she introduced herself to them.

"Hi! I'm Carmen, Luca's GIRL FRIEND" The girl said laughing when she felt Luca slapping her arm.

"Hi I'm Carmen, Luca's GIRL FRIEND" this statement replayed to Shu's head like a broken recorder.

"Carms!! Stop it!!!" Luca said laughing and his ears red because of what she said.

'He didn't deny it.... So she really is his girlfriend' Shu's eyes shook while staring into Luca and that girl, Carmen.

The group went silent when they notice Millie calming Shu who's appearance is about to cry. 'Ahhhhh so Shu already fell... ' They all thought. Luca and the girl Carmen, didn't notice that the group went silent because they keep teasing "flirting" each other, talking about things and laughing.

"I'll take a walk with Shu" Yugo said and pulled Shu out of his chair. Luca and the girl Carmen, stopped laughing and looked at Shu. Yugo who saw them looking at Shu, quickly hide Shu behind him. Luca who saw this, frowned and glared at Yugo's hand that's holding Shu.

"Sure, make sure to come back before 5:00 we still got some rides and games to play on." Uki replied, clinging onto the Cyborg's arm.

Yugo just nodded and left with Shu. Shu didn't look back and just walked away from the group. Luca who's staring into shu wondered what happened to him.

Back to Shu, after walking away from their friend's sight. Shu's feet wobbled and he almost tripped over himself. Yugo caught shu in his arms.

"Woah, Shu are you okay?" After Yugo ask that, tears started to form in Shu's eyes. Head looking down not wanting to let Yugo see him crying.

Yugo who noticed it, quickly hugged shu and turned his head to face him. "Shu? What happened?" Yugo asked placing Shu's head onto his shoulders that made the other's tears to flow. Yugo just patted his back while Shu just cried more.

After some time, Shu already calmed down. Staring into his hands, playing with his fingers. "I..... I confessed to Luca and he... he didn't reject nor replied that he likes me too... i forced myself onto him, i was so mad and jealous that time.. and he... he pushed me away, telling me that he's tired and stop what i'm doing.... " Shu told Yugo what happened.

"Like Mysta, I liked Luca since the debut. He said that he's bad and a mean mafia boss but to me, he always looks like a loud, excited and happy golden retriever all the time. And now that's what happened, after I confessed things between me and him started to get awkward so we avoided each other. I don't know why he's avoiding me but i'm avoiding him to move on and in order to find someone who's gonna like me back. Love me more like the way I love him, cuddles with me, talking and taking strolls every morning." Shu sighed, still holding onto Yugo's shirt. Yugo just stared at Shu and shakes his head. 'This guy is the most selfless person that I've ever met. '

After venting his problems and how broken he is, Shu told Yugo that they can go back to the others already.

On the way back, Shu saw the girl Carmen on her phone. Smiling and laughing talking to someone.

"Yes babe i'm okay of course, what about you? I'll be back after Luca and I already have fun. Yes yes, iloveyoutoo" Carmen said and ended the call.

Shu who heard this, felt like his blood is boiling. Luca's girlfriend is talking to SOMEONE and calling him BABE, she even said iloveyoutoo to the phone.
Shu is mad, yes Luca and him are not that close like before but he still care for him, he doesn't want Luca to get hurt.

Luca followed Carmen until they arrived to the group. Shu who isn't thinking what is right and wrong, immediately pulled Carmen's hair that made the others gasp in shock.

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