Haani goes to Hurghada

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As a small boy, Haani, like many children, preferred working in the Valley of the Kings rather than to go to school. He sold postcards and books to tourists. His father wanted him to go to school and study hard, but Haani didn't understand why he should do that. The classes were boring, the teachers very strict, and he was punished almost every day for not paying attention. In the streets of the bazaars, on the other hand, there was a lot of hustle and bustle. He saw tourists from all countries of the world, everyone was friendly to him, and it was exciting and fun. Also, many of his friends were there and they all made good money because tourists bought a lot more souvenirs then than they are doing these days.

One day - Haani was maybe ten or eleven years old - a woman from Europe came to him. He showed her his wares and she asked how much a postcard costs. "One euro," replied Haani. The woman gave him five euros and asked his name. But Haani didn't understand her, so one of the shopkeepers came to the rescue and asked the woman what she wanted to know from Haani. She asked about Haani's Names, how old he was and whether he had family. The man answered all the questions of the woman because he knew Haani well. Then the woman said: "This boy looks like a descendant of the pharaohs. He is very handsome and so nice. I have no children and I would like to take him to Europe with me. I would treat him like my own son, he would live with me in my house and go to a good school and learn a lot. I would take good care of him." The man, however, said to the woman: "But that's not possible. The boy has a family here. He belongs to us and cannot go to Europe with you. His parents love him and will not let him go." The woman was very sad about this, but she understood everything and left.

Haani just listened quietly the whole time, but didn't understand anything. Now he wanted to know from the man: "What did the woman say to you?" And the man told Haani that the woman liked him very much and that she wanted to take him to Europe. But he explained to her that Haani could not go with her. Hearing this Haani got very angry and shouted and wailed that all the people ran together and hearing him complaining: "Why did you do that? Where did the woman go? I will look for her and go with her." And Haani looked everywhere for the woman from Europe, but she had disappeared and he never saw her again.

(A similar thing happened to a child 30 years earlier, but that's another story.)

As Haani was not allowed to go to Europe, he continued to work in the bazaars in the Valley of the Kings for the next few years. When he was 13 years old, a friend told him that he wanted to go to Hurghada. "There is the Red Sea and there are many more tourists than in Luxor. Come with me. We'll definitely find good work there soon!"

Haani was enthusiastic and promised to come along. That evening he went home as usual. He ate dinner with his family, spent some time with his friends on the street, and then went to bed. But early in the morning, while everyone was still asleep, Haani got up and went to the street where the bus left and where his friend was already waiting for him. And they got on the bus and took the ride to Hurghada together. But his parents and siblings got up that morning and were wondering where Haani was. He didn't usually leave the house that early. But they didn't think about it long and everyone went about their daily chores or went to school. However, when Haani did not come home in the evening, the family became concerned. They asked all the people in the streets and bazaars where Haani was. But nobody knew. Haani's mother cried, his father didn't know what else to do, who to ask.

Late at night, a nephew of Haani's father ran into the house and said to him, "Come quickly with me. A man called us. He wants to talk to you." And they ran together to the brother's house. The man was still on the phone and now explained that Haani had asked for work in his bazaar. He was with him and if his father agreed, Haani could stay with him. "He will work in my shops and live with me and my family in my house. Everything is fine and there are no problems", said the man.  And Haani also answered the phone and explained to his father that he would not come back under any circumstances but wanted to stay in Hurghada. His father wanted him to come home, but Haani said, "If you take me back, I will go to Hurghada again at the next opportunity. I like it here and I want to stay with the man and work for him." After some back and forth, the man convinced Haani's father that it would be best if he left his son with him. After all, he is in good hands and the family knows where he is and that he is doing well. And every few months Haani would go to visit his parents. And so it was decided and Haani stayed in Hurghada until he was 18 years old and had to start his military service. But that's another story, which we'll tell another time.

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