16 - Broken

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(Y/n)'s POV
To my relief, it was finally announced that the ball was coming to an end after one last song.

I was glad it was ending, but the idea of another dance was excruciating to me. My feet ached, my eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and all I wanted at the moment was for Anakin to walk me to my room for the night so I could sleep for the next day or two — after I corner him and make him discuss the events of today. That kiss he gave me, along with his confession of feelings, they have yet to leave my mind. I could hardly focus on anyone or anything else for the rest of the night.

"He seems to really like you," Padmè's voice stole me away from my intrusive thoughts.

I snapped my eyes up from the spoon I had been balancing on the table with my fingertip, "What?" I questioned, automatically assuming she was talking about Anakin. I have no idea why, but since he was already on my mind, that is the thought I had, that she somehow knew.

She nudged her head to her left and I glanced in that direction to see Anthony smiling and talking with his Royal guard.

Oh, of course that is who she meant.

I nodded in agreement, "It seems he does, and he is a very kind man." I drifted my eyes back to the spoon before lifting up my finger and watching it fall, "And honorable with a heart of gold." 

I do adore him, I believe he is an amazing person and a perfect choice, but now because of Anakin's actions tonight, my heart feels heavy. Can I truly marry someone, bed them, and have their children — if I have come to the realization that my heart may very well beat the name of another? Would that not be a sad life? An unfair life?

To not just I, but to Anthony as well.

"Are you alright Princess?" Padmé asked and I simply nodded as I glared at my own frown in the reflection of the perfectly clean spoon.

"This has been a long few days and it is catching up to me." I said, sighing quietly to myself.

I wanted to tell her what happened, I wanted to tell her everything on my mind. But I could hardly muster up the words in my own thoughts, let alone speak them out loud. I feel like I must fully understand my feelings before I burden them on anyone else.

"Princess," I was called for attention by someone who was not my best friend. I glanced up and met the gaze of Anthony and he smiled softly as he held his hand out, "Would you do me the honors of gifting me with one final dance tonight?"

Without thinking about it, my eyes shifted momentarily to another figure in the room, one who has been watching me closely from afar. I met Anakin's eyes for only a second, before he looked away and it was then that I saw who he was taking to — Olivia, again. Anger instantly boiled within me. It does not seem like he was flirting with her or anything, but the utter audacity he has to be near her knowing how she treated me before felt like a betrayal in itself.

I looked back at Anthony and smiled, "You are mistaken Anthony," I stood up after placing my hand in his, "It is I, who would be honored."

He walked me to the dance floor and we got into proper position before we began to move around the floor, "Let us hope you do not have another medical emergency," He joked about my earlier dramatics when I was distracting everyone from Ahsoka and Piett's horrible idea, that I still need to scold them for.

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