The marriage

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I'm so sorry for not uploading for so long😰 I was a bit distracted with my other stories😅

Y/N's POV:

I was watching the TV still smelling like fruit from the other day until I heard a knock on my door.

I walked up to the door and opened it. Behind it was Robert. "Hey, what's up?" I asked him. "Roy wanted me to give this to you" he said giving me an envelope and running away.

I was confused but I closed the door and made my way to the sofa while opening the envelope. I finally sat down and took out a letter that was in there.


Dear Y/N

Meet me at the weird old tree at the park up the hill


End of letter:

It didn't put what time, guess he forgot that. I took my hoodie and made my way to the hill that he was talking about, I decided to go now since then I can just wait for him if he wasn't there.

When I walked in the park it looked more fancy. I made my way up the hill and saw like a party kind of decorations everywhere.

I looked at everything confused. I made it up to Roy who was near the tree. "What's this all about?" I asked him.

"Well, uh" he started and Ross gave him a punch at the shoulder. Roy whined for a second until he took out a ring pop and went on one knee.

"Will you be my wife/husband/partner?" He asked me. My eyes widened up with surprise. I thought for a while until I took the ring pop and put it on my ring finger. "Yea!" I said.

Roy burst out in joy and everyone around us started clapping. I didn't even know that there were people except for Roy, Ross and Robert here.

"Wanna go for an ice cream for our honeymoon?" Roy asked me. I nodded and went to the ice cream stand to get the ice cream.

The end

Everyone deserves a second chance (REMASTERED) spooky month reader x RoyWhere stories live. Discover now