you just know

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he's not a jerk. he looks at you with that half-looped smile, twinkling eyes, and laughs with that sweet sound and you know, you just know, he cares about you.

he's not a jerk. he tells you the words making you feel beautiful, he drags his warm hands across your cheek and you know, you just know, he cares about you.

he's not a jerk. when you're there alone and he tells you the secrets with the most sincere face, when he takes your hand in his and smiles at you and you know, you just know, he cares about you.

he's not a jerk. when you're talking until one in the morning and you cant stop smiling, when he tells you that he wants to take you places one day and you know, you just know, he cares about you.

he's not a jerk. when he goes and opens the door for you, when he tells you that you're the only on he's told that to and you know, you just know, he cares about you.

he's not a jerk. even when he ignores your presence, even when he spits the insults out like venom but you know, you just know, he cares about you.

~You just know
(or alternatively titled "he's not a jerk")

[this was written because mia has a friend that everyone says is a jerk but shes seen the other side and she cant really express how she feels about that without writing]

{written between 1st and 2nd period}

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