Chapter 1

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The crack that had appeared in the mountains tapered off the closer it got to the ground leaving only a slender footpath into the Encanto. (Y/N) crept forward on it, the whinnying of horses growing distant behind her. Disgruntled shouts also faded as she hurried along, desperate to make it into the village that had been barred from the world for fifty years.

Even in their seclusion, stories about the village had been able to spread outside the high mountains. (Y/N) had heard many cuentos de misterio (tales of mystery) in her sixteen years. How a family called the Madrigals possessed gifts of wonder that they used to help their village thrive. How you could hear the singing of the citizens throughout the day. Rumors of weather manipulation, super strength and prophecy were painted with bright colors and cheer.

But (Y/N) had also heard the opposite. That the Madrigals used their magic to harm people they did not see eye to eye with. That they used things like thorny plants, shape shifting and potions in the food to control the citizens and make them treat the familia like royalty. That once, their powerful magic hadn't saved a village but protected corrupt souls who believed in backwards ethics. And now, years after the Thousand Days War, the mountains protected those very people.

Those stories were about the only thing that ever got out – and nothing ever went inside. Until now.

(Y/N) had never cared too much about the stories, the good or the bad. Because either way that village and those people were stuck behind their precious mountains, and what they did could not affect her life.

She looked back in the direction from which she came, the direction in which the things that did affect her life thrived. The things that were forcing her forward now.

She knew she had to enter the Encanto.

She wasn't sure what would be waiting for her on the other side. There was simply no way to know how these people would treat an outsider. They could cast her out immediately and she'd have to return to nothing but danger. With that thought constantly in the forefront of her mind, she found the courage to push on.

The mountains were grey and cold on either side of her, the shadow they cast making her foot path dark and ominous. Light from the Encanto shone up ahead only blocked by a few large leaves from a plant growing on the other side.

Avoiding large rocks that had cracked and fallen from the mountain as it split slowed her down, but eventually she reached the end and pushing the big leaves out of her way she saw - for the first time - the Encanto.

It was a paradise.

Keeping her jaw from hanging open like a goldfish suddenly became difficult. All around her were the most lush green bushes and shrubs. Tall palm trees stretched toward the sky, easily the height of three casas stacked on top of each other. Colorful flowers dotted the emerald and lime landscape in every color of the rainbow. Speaking of, a beautiful arch of colorful light shone over the valley and the village that rested in the center of it. Clusters of buildings topped with terra cotta roofs in the center of the field of grass. The rays of the sun touched every inch of the land, so much so that (Y/N)'s eyes actually hurt as they adjusted from the dark mountain path she'd just been on.

Squinting, (Y/N) grabbed at her skirt to keep it from snagging on any branches or flowers. She wove through the hills until they flattened into open fields of grass. There were no paths, meaning up until now no-one regularly traveled this far from the village. From what she could see there looked to be a corn field further to her right, it had a bridge on that side that crossed a river and provided water to the crops. But even that was much, much closer to the village than she was.

And when she got closer she could see why. The buildings and homes that made up the village were beautiful, made of stone and brick at their foundations before colorful walls took over making the rooms and porches. Some homes were only one floor while others were two. Many had balconies she could make out even from the distance she was at and large bushels of flowers grew in clusters between and off of the buildings themselves.

Bruised Hearts, Broken Mariposas- Camilo x reader - Encanto - Disney fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now