Chapter Eleven: The Job Offer

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Ichiro found himself spent after their hour of passion, so he fell on his back to steady his breathing and gaze up at the ceiling in contentment.

A minute of quiet passed before he found the will to roll over and speak to Kumiko. "How do you feel? It wasn't too bad, was it?"

When Kumiko did not answer, Ichiro propped himself on one arm to see if she was all right. He discovered in relief that she had simply fallen asleep, perhaps due to the strenuous nature of their lovemaking.

He smiled at the sight of her peaceful face and admired what was visible of her beautiful body, then pulled the quilt up to cover her shoulders and ensure that she stayed warm.

"Sleep soundly, my love," he whispered, taking care not to make too much noise while inching towards the foot of the bed. After setting both feet on the floor, Ichiro stood up to tiptoe to the bedroom cabinet, hoping to find some clean clothes that would fit him.

Unfortunately, the sound of him opening the cabinet proved loud enough to make Kumiko stir and groan. "Ichiro?" she murmured while sitting up with difficulty. "Is that you?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to make sure," Kumiko replied, clutching the quilt tight so that her chest remained concealed. "I still find it hard to believe you're back for good."

Ichiro tried to remain hopeful. "Well, I don't intend to leave again. How could I after we've been through so much?"

Kumiko closed her eyes and let out a noise that bordered on an excited squeal. "Oh, Ichiro. Have you always been this charming?"

He remembered their first nights together and how strongly they had been attracted to one another. "Yes. I believe that's how you fell for me."

"Well, you shall have to refresh my memory. Because it is all so distant."

"I will try my best," Ichiro said with a sigh as he struggled to put the past behind him. "It's the least you deserve."

"I see." Kumiko slowly sat up. "Something just occurred to me earlier, you know."

"Is that so? What was it?"

"This may shock you, but you'll have to get a job if we're going to make things work."

Ichiro's eyes widened as his shoulders tensed. "A job? Do you mean to say that I should start selling tea again?"

"Something like that, but we should start simple. I was thinking of consulting with Futoshi about this matter."

"You mean that old man?"

"Yes. He's getting on in years and could do with someone like you to help with landlord duties."

Ichiro's confusion grew. "Landlord duties? What could that entail?"

"Not a lot. Just some cleaning and maintenance. And making sure the others pay their rent on time."

Ichiro found the latter daunting since collecting taxes was a job often performed by brutes, and he did not wish to think of himself as such a person. "In that case, I'll have to refuse. I don't want to be the kind who inflicts torment on those who already have their share of troubles."

Kumiko gazed at him in sympathy before shifting forward. "Oh, Ichiro, I know you're better than that. That's why I think you should accept this job that calls for someone with wit and charm."

Ichiro felt his shoulders relax. "So, I don't have to rely on intimidation?"

"Of course not. You're convincing enough without it."

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