Brance (angst?!)

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⚠️this story contains underage smoking and underage drinking⚠️

11:25. The clock read. Bruce was laying on his bed in his pyjamas. He was reading a comic book, he wanted to do something else but he knew he had to wake up early for morning baseball practice and because his mom always said he wasn't allowed out past sunset. Bruce sighed as he finished reading the comic book, he closed it and tucked himself in. Before he could turn off the lamp on his night stand he heard a small tap on the window. He shrugged and quickly turned the light off. After 10 seconds the tapping continued, this time it was louder. Bruce reluctantly got out of bed and opened his window to be met with Vance hopper. Vance was known for being the "tough guy" and "the bully". If you even looked at Vance wrong he would beat the shit out of you. Almost everyone was afraid of Vance, and was shocked that him and Bruce started getting along and hanging out. But what they didn't know was Vance and Bruce were dating and they both thought it would be better if no one knew because they both would get beat up and called slurs daily. Bruce opened his window and looked at Vance, he could barely see Vance because his roof was under his window. "Bruce let me in!" Vance said, his words slurred and he sounded different. Bruce sighed quietly and walked to his closet, he had put a foldable latter there and kept it hidden in case vance came over. He pulled it out and carefully went onto the roof with it. He unfolded it and placed it down on the ground. Vance climbed up and sat beside Bruce. Bruce looked at Vance. "Vance what are you doing here?! It's 11, I have baseball practice in the morning, I said you can visit every day except Saturday because of my morning pr-" he was cut off with Vance hugging Bruce tightly. Vance smelled strongly of alcohol. "Vance, have you been drinking?" Bruce asked worriedly. Vance didn't reply, he just pulled away and reached into the pocket of his denim jacket. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He slid a cigarette out of the packet. He turned to Bruce,"Want one?" He asked putting the cigarette pack closer to bruce. "No vance, that's bad for your lungs" Bruce said as vance put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it. Vance blew the smoke out and looked at bruce. He softly smiled. "I don't expect you to know what it's like growing up like me, stuff like smoking and drinking always seemed so normal growing up with my dad, and one day I just don't know if I can deal with my dad anymore". Bruce looked at Vance sadly. "What does that mean vance" he said. "I just don't plan on being here that long, so I want to spend as much time with you as possible before I turn 19". Bruce hugged vance tightly. Vance was caught off guard by the hug, he didn't know why the hug felt so...different, it felt so caring. Vance's vision became blurry, his throat felt like there was a lump in it. His eyes filled with hot tears. He buried his face into Bruce's shirt. Bruce stroked the back of Vance's head. "Vance, I love you. And whatever you're going through I promise to help you, because I can't lose you" his voice had cracks in it, it sounded like he was about to cry. "Really?" Vance said, his voice was muffled and shaky. "Yes" Bruce said. The two of them sat on Bruce's roof cuddling. They wanted to stay like that forever. They knew they had to sleep soon but for now they were happy staying like that

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