Chapter Five

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Chapter Five.
(Y/N) (L/N)
May 26th. 2012.
New York, Avenger's Tower.

I sat down at the counter as Steve made breakfast. He was humming a song that was unfamiliar to me, probably something back in the 80s. He was shuffling in what only I could think to be an attempt at dancing.

"Are you dancing?" I snorted, and Steve immediately halted.

"What no. Just trying to whisk the eggs..." He lied and it was painfully obvious.

"Well don't stop whisking I found it cute," I teased.

"Wha-What?" Steve stuttered.

"Chill Steve, it's the 21st century you don't have to hate crime me for being gay." I chuckled.

"You're gay?" Steve questioned.

"Was that not obvious by my clothing choice?" I asked gesturing to my outfits

"It's a piece of fabric who cares?" Steve deadpanned.

(Y/N) was surprised by Steve's leftestness, "That is true, but most people would assume."

"Well, I've never met a gay person before..." Steve explained.

"That's not true you've met Tony."

Steve Rogers
May 26. 2012
New York, Avenger's Tower.

"Tony?" I questioned, "He doesn't seem that way."

"Oh definitely Tony, he's been trying to get in my pants since the first day I met him," (Y/N) explained.

Steve didn't know why but he felt this heat build in the pit of his stomach at the mention of Tony trying to get with the younger male in front of him. It was a different feeling that he hasn't felt for a long time, but he quickly disregarded the feeling.

"And tell me, Steve, how do you seem gay?" (Y/N) asked

"I-I don't know, I didn't mean to be offensive," I stuttered. 

"Chill I was just teasing, but you should probably know, it's not something that dictates your entire personality, has Tony ever once presented himself gay to you?"

"Well, he is quite flamboyant," Steve noted earning another snort (Y/N).

He felt himself start to smile priding himself on the fact that he made the Rookie Hero laugh so intensely.


(Y/N) (L/N)
May 26. 2012
New York, Avenger's Tower.

Steve and I had an intimate conversation, on sexuality and gender identity. He told me some of the things he felt, and some of the ways he related. And even admitted to me that he once experimented with a dear friend of his, Bucky Barnes, unfortunately for me, he also told me that he wasn't into the experience. Looks like I would never get to have a piece of America. The Widow herself also known as Ms. Romoanoff swash-swayed into the kitchen only hearing the end of our conversation.

"What are we talking about?" Nat asked.

"Sexuality in the 21st century," Steve piped.

"Interesting, my advice is just no." She chuckled.

"Excuse me?" Steve asked.

Nat started to explain, "In my personal opinion, I don't really see the point in a relationship it just gets in the way of things that are really important," she shrugged.

"For a connection," Steve answered.

"I guess I have no need for a connection," Romanoff retored.

"That's impossible everyone wants to connect with someone," Steve argued.

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